Chapter 28: Shock Tsunami

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"I hope that it's okay I ordered for you. You still drink f/b (your favorite beverage -preferably a coffee/latte/tea for this scene), right? I hope so. If not, I can get you something else," Kaito smiles, placing a Styrofoam cup down in front of me.

I take it, feeling the slight weight of the cup in my hold. Honestly, this takes me back. Him doing this for me. He did this all the time, even when I told him he didn't need to. I didn't realize how much I missed this.

I take a sip, the brew running down my throat smoothly and smile, "I do. Thank you. You didn't need to do that, though. I have legs and my own money, ya know."

He takes a seat across from me and chuckles, "Even so. A gentleman shouldn't let a lady pay."

"Still living in the past, I see," I snort, lifting a brow.

"Fine. You can pay next time," he chortles.

I can feel my face redden at that. Let me pay next time? Does this mean he'll want to see me again? I ponder. His stare is trained on me, making my heart hammer against my ribs. I need it to steady itself. I need to calm down and not think this way. I can't get my hopes up. After all, I can't allow myself to see him again after this...but I want to so damn much.

"Deal?" he continues, flashing that million-dollar smile at me.

I cross my arms over my chest and smirk, "Deal."

He observes me, sighing, "So, it's been a while since we've seen each other. How have things been for you?"

I shrug, "Good, I guess. I left Osaka."

"Clearly," he chuckles. "Are you living here now?"

His utter focus is fixated on me, his eyes telling me that he's ready to listen. The eagerness is in his stare, the smile on his lips reaching his eyes. Even after all these years, my heart still swells at his puppy stare. It's just so warm and cute.

A warm smile bows my lips as I reply, "Uh, yeah. I moved here back in late autumn."

He lifts a brow. "Really? You used to talk about moving to Tokyo back when we were younger. What happened there?"

"Plans didn't fall through," I say plainly. "So, I got a job and apartment here. I live above the shop I work at, actually."

"Oh? At that western-styled shop?" he presses.

"Mmm-hmm," I croon. "Yeah. The shopkeeper -Mr. Sui, he owns the entire building. So, I kinda lucked out in that deal."

I lucked out dramatically in that deal. There's no saying where I'd be if I never stumbled across that ad. And now...because of all the events over the last several months, I'm here...I'm here talking to Kaito. I really lucked out.

"I'd say so," he nods. "It looks like a beautiful building. Very unique and different, that's for sure, but beautiful, nonetheless. Have your parents visited?"

That strikes me. I bite down on my lower lip and glimpse down at the cup in my clutch, feeling my throat go dry. Kaito must take notice of my discomfort because his tone shifts.

"Oh, I am so sorry, Y/N. I didn't realize things with your parents got so...I'm so sorry," he apologizes frantically.

I shake my head. "It's fine. Don't stress about it, Kaito. Anyway. What about you? Going to a fancy school?"

He snorts, "Well, you know my dad. I'm going to TU (made up university). I'm in my second year."

"Wow," I say. "You've always wanted to go there. I'm happy for you. You earned a spot there. Really. Congratulations. You're on your way to being a great doctor."

"Thanks," he smiles.

I fidget, running my thumb over my cup. I'm happy for him. Unlike me, he was cut out for prestigious schools and all the ambitions that come with becoming a doctor. After all, it's something he actually wants. It's not just the way he grew up; it is his goal.

"He must be proud...your dad, that is," I continue, bringing my eyes back to his. "How is he, anyway?"

He takes a sip of his coffee and shrugs, "He's good. Still crazy busy, but he's good. He got remarried last year."

My brows shoot up. "Dr. Itchi remarried? Wow."

"Yeah," he shrugs. "It's been seven years since my mom passed and this new lady makes him happy, so it's a good thing. Ya know?"

"I agree," I nod. "I'm happy for him. Sounds like everything is going well for you two."

He flashes me another smile, but this time, there's a tint of what appears to be...sadness pulling at it. It's hard to spot, but I've spent enough time with him in the past to be able to pick up on it. He drops his stare, fidgeting with his cup before taking a swig of his coffee. He's swallowing something with his caffeine. Something that he doesn't want to say.

"What?" I question. "What is it?"

He slowly returns his gaze to mine, halfheartedly smiling, "It's crazy. I haven't seen or heard from you in three years and then suddenly, poof. Here you are. It feels like such a dream. I'm almost afraid that at some point I'll blink and you'll just...disappear."

His words tug at my heart. I knew seeing him would do this to me. I knew sitting down and talking to him would make my emotions rush to me. I knew that, but I still ignored what I knew. I ignored it all.

Without thinking, I reach over and rest my hand on his, causing him to freeze. We peer into each other's eyes, the heat of his hand pulsating against mine. At this moment, with the quiet hums of the café's atmosphere buzzing around us, everything and everyone else disappears. There's just him and and him. No one else exists. And I am abruptly transported back to sixteen. I missed him so damn much.

"Y/N," he breathes, swallowing.

I smile, whispering, "Kaito...I'm here. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I stroke my thumb along the back of his hand. "I'm here."

He places his free hand over mine, his palm radiating heat against my skin. He stokes my flesh, bringing his lips to the back of my hand, causing goosebumps to lift my skin. His lips feel just as soft as they did back then.

He mumbles against my skin, "I've missed you. I thought about you every day. I wanted to call you, but my father wouldn't let me. He insisted that I needed to study." His dark orbs meet mine. "Y/N, if I had the choice...I would've never left. I would've stayed."

My throat goes dry. No...I'm not going to think about that. I tell myself.

"It's okay. We're here now. We're both here," I assure him. Another wave of sorrow washes over his features, alarming me. "What? What is it now? What's wrong?"

He continues to stroke the back of my hand with his thumb as he licks his lips. He's thinking. I can tell. That's his contemplating expression. I know it well.

"Kaito," I say, "talk to me. What is it?"

His doe eyes meet mine, his expression still sporting uncertainty, though he sighs, "Y/N...I'm so, so sorry."

I knit my brows together. "For what?"

He chews his lower lip. "I'm engaged."

**Bello lovelies! BAM! Did y'all see that comin'? I'm sure ya did. Still, even doesn't look too good for Y/N. Seems some stuff might happen. Stay tuned! Thank you so, so much for all your support! It truly means the world to me! As always, stay groovy! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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