7: Football and Windows

Start from the beginning

I open the fridge and pull out a plate of leftovers I find with a note on it from mom.

'You will be home alone for a while tonight. Ty is at a friends and I'm at dinner with Lucille. won't be back till later, love you, mom'

So that explains why no ones here. I put the plate in the microwave and get out silverware, napkins, and a dr pepper.

The microwave dings so I grab my plate and head to the couch where I have already set down my drink. Plopping down I rest my plate in my lap and turn the tv on. Instantly the sounds of a stadium fill the room, so I know a football game is on. I smile. Now I know I'm a weird girl, willingly watching football on my own time. But I just absolutely love it.

My phone dings just as I take my first bite of steak.

Matt: what's up? I nearly choke on my food.

Me:uh, nothing much. Aren't you a bit busy?

I take a drink to clear my throat when my phone dings again.

Matt: ;) just got finished actually.

I gag and try not to puke.

Me:ok, I did not need to know that.

Matt: ;) so can I come over?

Again I almost choke on my steak. He's literally going to be the death of me. Now why in the world would he want to come over?

Me: why?

Matt: just answer the question, Cam.
I think for a minute, well I guess it won't hurt anything.

Me: sure, the doors unlocked.

Matt: thanks ;)

I'm almost scared of that smiley face.

Ten minutesater I hear the front door open, "I'm in here!" I yell as I nearly scream when Tony Romo throws an interception. "Oh, come on bud! You can do better than that!"

"What did I do?" Matt asks as he sets down on the other side of the couches middle console from me.

"Not you, To- no! get him! get him!" I yell at the tv when the opposing team's quarterback manages to get around our team and make a first down.

"Woah, Tiger! it's just a game- no! get him!" Matt yells at the Tv.

"Oh so it's just a game huh, and what are you doing pulling for them?" I give him a weird look.

"Because they are my favorite. What are you doing watching and knowing all about American football anyway?" He looks over at me.

"My parents, I would watch it every night it came on with my dad. We would hook his laptop up to the tv and watch the games from the ESPN website." The game goes to commercial so I relax into my chair.

"That's cool, so where is everyone?" He gives an exaggerated look around.

"Away, my brother's at a "friends" and my moms with yours."

"Why do you say 'friends'." he makes big air quotes, copying mine.

"Because he's probably with your sister." I turn back to the tv as the game comes back on.

"No, she's at a friends." He says looking at me.

"Exactly," So oblivious for someone who practically has sex 24/7. He puts his head in his hands and groans.

"She's growing up too fast."

"Protective big brother?" I lean against the arm of the couch and glance over at him.

"I guess you could say that. I just don't want her to turn out like me, or get involved with someone like me." His words surprise me as well as the sincerity in his eyes.

"Well from someone who knows him personally, Ty's an amazing kid. He treats everyone, especially girls with the utmost respect, so I don't think you have to worry about her."

"Thanks." He leans back into the couch. "So what about you, any special men in your life."

I snort. " Well I would hardly call any males my age men, but no. No on special for this girl." I mutter under my breath as the team makes a drive getting them another first down.

"Really? That's hard to believe. I mean you're you." But I don't hear the end of his comment because I'm on my feet yelling when my team intercepts the ball and runs it back for a sixty-eight-yard touchdown.

"Ha ha, ha, ha ha." I sing and do a little happy dance. "Oh, would you like some ice cream and popcorn?" I ask Matt as I get a sudden craving.


After I pop two bags of popcorn and fill two bowls with Ozark black walnut ice cream, (my newly found favorite), I settle back down onto the couch and pass Matt his food.

Two bowls of ice cream, and two bags of popcorn later, there is two minutes left in the game and the two teams are tied. Me and Matt both stuff our mouthed full of popcorn in anticipation.

"You are so going down," I mutter as Tony throws a pass earning us a first down.

"Ha, yeah right."

The clock ticks down with thirty seconds left in the game, Tony throws a hail mary and it's caught at the ten-yard line. I raise from my seat as the receiver runs in for the touchdown.

"Touchdown!" the tv announces.

Just as the door opens, I scream yes as loud as I can while Matt yells no.

Popcorn flies through the air from Matt's bag when he jumped up and covers us both. I start laughing so hard I have to bend over and Matt's deep chuckles mix with mine.

A throat clears behind us, and we both whip around to see a shocked Lucille and an amused Mom.

"Hey mom" Matt and I say at the same time. Which makes us both have to try to hold in our laughter.

"Well I see you two have had fun, but it's getting late, and school starts tomorrow. So if you wouldn't mind Matt, Cameron needs to get to bed."

He gives a small nod to my mom and a smirk to me.

"I told you, you were going to lose," I whisper as he starts to head to the door.

"Oh, whatever, see you tomorrow Cam." He says as he enters the hallway and I hear the door shut.

Both Lucille and mom look at me questioningly, but neither ask questions so I say my goodnights before quickly cleaning up the mess and heading upstairs.

I reach my room and see a light shining through my window again just like that first night. I look out my window and see that the window eye level with mine has a smiling Matt in it.

He holds up his phone, so I grab mine just as his call comes through.

"Don't you think this is is a little too much like Taylor Swift's music video?" I ask right when we connect.

"Maybe, but they were old fashioned with their paper and stuff, we are new and improved." I laugh as he not only gestures to his phone but also to himself.

"Oh I don't know about that, that boy was." I whistle, " veryyyy hot."

"Yeah and Taylor was a blonde." I can see his smirk from here.

"Oh shut it. Now I've got a bedtime, like my little ole mommy said, so I'm going to have to say goodnight. Also, you could have just opened your window instead of calling we are like 5 feet apart. Night Matt."

I see him role his eyes.

"Night Cam." and then the line goes dead and he closes his blinds.

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