Part 2: Who are you, Tobi?

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Obito sits on a bar stool eating some breakfast at a diner. He's been sitting there for the past half hour, listening in on a conversation.

"Have you heard? 'Emma's Jeweler's' was just robbed a week ago. They say it's the same guy who robbed 'Walter&Son's Lumber' and Bob's Legal Offices."

"Heck, it seems like a few places all around town are getting robbed. What the hell is our police force doing? They can't handle some typical everyday thief?"

Everyday thief? Obito chuckles to himself. Well that's rude to assume. Hiding a sarcastic smile, he takes another bite of the pie he's ordered. Its layered with cream and strawberries on top. Nothing starts his morning better than eating a nice sweet decadent breakfast.

He continues eavesdropping on their conversation. This time the owner speaks up.

"Tch. Why do you think I just installed security cams around my diner? I even have floor censors. There's no way a thief will be able to step foot in here without tricking the alarm."

Obito arches an eyebrow. Without moving his head, his eyes scan the ceilings. Ah yes, the cameras around the place are new. And floor censors? How interesting. Good thing I won't have to step foot in here to do the job.

His eyes drift over to the side wall and he makes a slight grin. Looks like the area over there is untouched. Doesn't seem like the owner bothered to secure that place. Good for me.

He first started coming to this diner when he noticed a few things about the shop. Firstly, the layout of the place is perfect. It has the booths against the side wall with the ATM machine right next to them. Second, the next door building, that shares the same wall, is abandoned and empty.

Obito smiles darkly to himself. Who knows? Someone might just drill through the wall from the next door building and break into the ATM. And since the booths cover the wall, they probably won't notice the ATM was robbed till after a few days.

He takes a sip of his coffee, closing his eyes and savoring the taste. That's some damn good coffee... It's a real shame-- This place won't know what em'. He starts packing up his things to leave.

"Hey Blondie," says the chatty guy down the far end of the bar.

Obito looks up. That's right, he's wearing a long platinum blonde wig today. He's also wearing a woman's outfit. Not that he needed to, but he's the type of guy that enjoys getting into full character. It's the theatrical side of him. Making up creative disguises is part of the fun of being a thief.

"Hello, sir," he says in a high soprano voice. He flashes the man a fake smile.

"You seem new," the man says. He props his chin up on his hand and looks at him with a leering grin. "You come here often?"

Oh god, Obito think to himself as he narrows his eyes. He supposes he looks like a nice piece in this full get-up, but that's the worst pick up line of all time. Maybe he can mess with this guy a bit.

"Oh I don't know," says Obito in a cheery high voice. "Silly me, I'm just waiting here till I have to meet up with my husband."

"Oh, you're married?," says the guy, smile faltering. "I didn't realize... I didn't see a ring."

Obito casually waves his hand behind his back and quickly places a ring on his finger with practiced hands. Sometimes being a pickpocket helps in random situations. It's also the reason he has a ring in his pocket, since he swiped it from the jewelry store two days ago. Sometimes, he sees something shiny and his hands move on their own to grab it.

Tobi, Master Thief | KakaObiWhere stories live. Discover now