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Hoseok rolled onto his side, being startled by the mint hair next to him, forgetting momentarily that he had slept over at the older's house. He scanned his face, being for the thousandth time, impressed by the boy. Soon, Yoongi started to stir, and his eyes opened slightly, focusing on the younger boy, a hint of a smile escaped his doll like lips.

"Morning," Yoongi said quietly, his voice rough from sleep, he looked tired still, how long was he able to sleep? The brown haired boy turned onto his back, "good morning" he said as he sat up. "What time are your classes Yoonie?" He asked checking the time on his phone. He was informed that he had morning classes, same as Hoseok.

Yoongi escaped to the bathroom, telling Hoseok he was going to take a shower, asking the boy to figure out what they were gonna do that day after school, both wanting to spend more time with each other. Hoseok thought about maybe the park? It might be nice, since its getting cooler, they could get coffee while they were out. When Yoongi got out, they planned to hang out at around 7, at the park.

"Uh, hey Seok?" Yoongi said as he came out of the shower in fresh clothes. His left hand was on the back if his neck, "do you happen to have a bandaid? I ran out..." he said. "Oh yeah, I always carry some with me." He went to his backpack, ruffling through and and handing him a brightly colored bandaid. Yoongi giggled, "t-thank you" he said grabbing it and retreating back into the bathroom.

"What time did you go to bed? And why did you wake up?" He asked as they walked together to the school from Yoongi's apartment. "Oh, um, after you came and got me I fell asleep around 5? And uh, I don't know I just... Do that?" He responded shifting his backpack straps on his shoulders.

"Hmm, okay." A few moments of comfortable silence passed, " What were you doing anyway?" Yoongi replied shortly, "working" Hoseok rolled his eyes, and nudged the shorter male. He looked at him strangely, and Hoseok raised his eyebrows in a, 'explain?'

Yoongi sighed, "uhhh, do you remember, the day we talked at Jin's restaurant? Or actually maybe a few days before... You were in the dance studio? I was leaving, and I heard your music?" He looked at Hoseok, like he was scared he thought he was a stalker. He gave the older a slight smile to show he was okay.

"Well... The song you were dancing to, was mine." Hoseok choked on air.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he exclaimed loudly, startling Yoongi and a group of moms moved their children quickly down the sidewalk. "Shhhh Seok, god damn." He said chuckling.

"You're kidding right?" Yoongi shook his head. "Dude, that- holy fuck you're Gloss???" Yoongi's eyes widened, "y-yeah? How the fuck do you remember that? " He asked shocked.

"I have literally no idea. Yoongi, I watched that video religiously! I can't believe that was you??? I guess our meeting was destiny!" He said winking "jokingly". Yoongi went bright red immediately.

" Anyway.... Uh, I was working on, redoing it? I had kind of, forgot about it? You inspired me, I was thinking that I could, give it to you whenever it's done? Because now when I think of the song I think of you?" He blushed at his own words. 'Cutecutecutecutecute'  Hoseok thought. He chuckled.

"And as a music major, I don't really know what else I would give someone, like, a gift that would have meaning? That doesn't make sense..." Yoongi looked down, seeming to shake his head to rid his thoughts.

"No, yea that makes sense! That's really sweet Gi! Thank you, I'm sure it will be great!"

They continued walking, and eventually had to go their seperate ways. "I'm still kinda shell shocked, it's like meeting a celebrity! Living a double life, am I right?" Hoseok said laughing. Yoongi smiled at that, "whatever you say Seok." He waved goodbye and continued down his hallway, Hoseok watched the floral bandaid dissapeare from sight.

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