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Min Yoongi layed in bed, thanking whatever being was out there that it was the weekend. Only then cursing that same being for he had to go into his college anyway. Well, he didn't h a v e to but he decided that he needed to. So against every part of his body telling him to stay in bed, he sat up.

Groaning at his bones popping and the light shining through his window, he stood up, fumbling a bit, then continued into his bathroom. Passing the mirror he sighed at his mint green hair sticking up in random placing, coming to the conclusion he'd have to shower, sighing for the 10000 time, he turned on the shower.

He stepped out of the shower, drying his hair with a towel, and quickly brushing it. Trying, and failing, to ignore the obvious marking on his neck 'J H' Why did those two letters seem so beautiful to him, they're just letters after all. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, those letters were always racing through his head, if thats a good or a bad thing? you decide. He covered the mark with a beige bandaid.

Going to his room and quickly finding a pair of black ripped jeans and an oversized grey sweater, not wanting to have to put much effort in today, or any day really. He grabbed his notebook, holding his most prized possession. That notebook (one of many) was filled with different lyrics, music sheets, poems, basically his whole life, held onto the paper of that notebook.

Yoongi unplugged his phone from the charger, seeing a text from his close friend, Seokjin. That man was an angel, Yoongi would swear on his life, though he'd never tell the older that, his ego is already too inflated as is. Though, he was probably the most caring narcissist Yoongi had ever met. He always checks on the younger, knowing what has happened in the past, and how forgetful of his own well being he can be.

Only Hyung
Ey dumb ass don't forget to eat something before you go in today, and drink water istg (I'm kidding but please do eat and drink water) 💕😚💕💕🔪

I know hyung, you say this every day istg

Only Hyung
Bc someone 👀👀👀👀 forgets whenever I don't tell them to 👀👀👀👀

I'm going I'm going smh

Knowing that his hyung is correct, annoyingly so, he fills a cup with water drinking half of it then pouring the other into the sink. Not being particularly hungry he grabs the first item out of his small pantry he can take on the go, that being a granola bar, good enough.

He grabs his headphones, notebook, keys and his phone quickly putting them into his backpack and pockets. He heads out of his apartment, closing and locking the door as he leaves.

His apartment isn't actually too bad for a college student, not fancy or anything, but he doesn't mind it, the neighbors are quiet normally, and the location is walking distance from his university. Walking down the stairs and exiting the apartment building, he cringes at the sunlight directly hitting his face, and starts his walk to the school.

Putting his headphones in, he plays a song by g-dragon, nodding his head and slightly lip syncing to the song. A large group of kids from his college pass him, being loud and rambunctious as always. Yoongi gripped his backpack straps tighter as they grew closer.

And of course, in the middle of it all is none other then Jung Hoseok. The guy was popular with everyone, just for being himself. It wasn't like in the movies with the annoying jock or anything. And that pissed Yoongi off. In middle school and high school he was always tormented by the so called "popular kids" So, even though he knew he shouldn't, he grouped them all in as one, birds of a feather or whatever.

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