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Today is the day Hoseok decided. Today was the day he'd figure out what the f u c k Yoongi's last name was. Was he putting it off? Yes, absolutely. Why? Well, many reasons. One if them being, how terrified of the oldest he was. "He could ask Namjoon" you say? No, he's even scarier.

He knew how protective the boys were of their friend. He could tell by the way they act around the mint haired boy these past weeks of them four hanging out. It didn't take a genius to realize how much they care about Yoongi, and he didn't take Seokjin for an idiot. Hoseok knew that the grey haired boy would be onto him the second he opened his mouth. The younger had seen how Jin scolded his friends when they did something dumb, and he r e a l l y didn't want to be on the receiving end of that one.

Another thing, he was scared for a different reason. He was scared if rejection. Hoseok had heard stories of soulmates not staying together, or not getting together at all. And he liked Yoongi. He really really liked him.

He loved his smile, and his cat-like features, especially his eyes. He loved how Yoongi made him feel, he always felt calm around him, none of the stress or pressure of life felt like it was able to reach him, as long as he was in that little bubble with the shorter male. He loved how adorable and handsome be was. How little he looked when wearing a large sweatshirt, or how cool he looked whenever he wore basically anything else. From his round cheeks, to his button nose, to his (assumed) soft hair. It had only been a few weeks, but damn, Hoseok was whipped.

He had just finished his classes in the morning, when he had planned to go talk to the oldest. That was until a disheveled head of mint hair passed through the crowd infront of him. Without thinking, he loudly called, "hey! Yoongi!"

The terribly loud noise successfully caught the attention of the shorter. Said boy quickly became red to the face, the crimson color blooming over his pale cheeks. His hand fell over that bandaid he kept on his neck, and he walked over slowly, avoiding that massive amounts of students leaving the hall.

"Hey Hoseok," The older said, refusing to look at him. A sudden burst of confidence rushed through the brown haired boy. He grabbed Yoongi's chin, forcing him to look at the taller. "You're all red hyung, are you feeling okay?" He said, smiling innocently. The rose color on the olders cheeks only grew as he quickly hit Hoseok's hand away.

"Watch it brat, no respect these days." The blushing boy said shaking his head and turning on his heel, starting to walk in the opposite direction. "Wait" Hoseok said, jogging to catch up with his supposed soulmate, "I was only kidding hyung." Yoongi, now less red to the face, cracked a small smile. That did a lil something to Hoseok's heart.

"So where you goin?" He asked as they left the campus building. "Jin-hyung texted me saying he was bored at work, and Namjoon is working on something, so he basically begged me to go to the restaurant," He said smiling again. He seems to be doing that more and more these days. "You hungry?" He asked the younger.

"Not really, but I wouldn't mind going with you hyung." He said smiling his signature smile. "Do you mind if I tag along?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi's eyes cast downward, "no, not at all." They continued onto the restaurant.

They entered the nearly empty place of work. The quiet atmosphere being quickly interrupted by a loud voice, "Yoongi!! You actually came! Now we can talk face to face about- oh, hi Hoseok!" The 24 year old stopped his sentence quickly upon seeing the youngest. His manager shot him a look, basically saying shut the fuck up so he did lower his voice a little.

"Hi Seokjin hyung!" Hoseok said, as enthusiastic as ever, he was r e a l l y trying to soften Jin up, hoping he wouldn't get his ass beat for what he had to ask later.

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