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The Love Genotype App

Five years ago


The large auditorium of The Jeon Enterprises was currently welcoming a large number of investors and young entrepreneurs willing to finance the new and more innovative application for mobile devices. The Genotype app. A love application to help find your soulmate among all alphas, betas, and omegas according to each person's DNA and Genotype.

A beautiful woman dressed in an expensive suit walked her way to the center of the podium, clicking her high heels on the gray porcelain floor. Her jet-black hair was stylized in a modern bob, matching her dark red lips.

The room burst into whispers among the attendants until she cleared her throat in front of the microphone.

"I, Jeon Chie, chief executive officer and head alpha of Jeon Enterprises, am thrilled to welcome you all on this important day for our technological department," she said with a smile.

"We have a very innovative application for our people. The Love Genotype App! So please welcome, the brain behind the development of this application. Our own young genius, Kim Namjoon!" she said clapping her manicured hands making the whole audience applaud as well.

An awkward boy in his early twenties appeared from backstage, dressed in suit pants, a white shirt, and a knitted vest. Dark brown hair nicely parted on his forehead and big round glasses falling to his nose. He was visibly shaking out of nervousness with his tablet in one hand and a stylus pen in the other. He bowed several times before replacing the CEO of Jeon Enterprises on the podium.

The boy cleared his throat loudly making the microphone buzz loudly piercing the ears of the people in the auditorium. He quickly fixed the device, apologizing a couple of times before his eyes were set on the familiar figure of a handsome boy standing in the corner with his thumbs up along with a teen boy and a little girl holding a glittery signboard with the words 'Fighting Joonie!' on it.

Namjoon immediately smiled showing his dimples, calmness filling his body and lungs, remembering why he was there in the first place. His family.

"We are busy human beings living in a crazy world and the thought of finding your soulmate is a faraway dream we all had hope for. Only 10% of our population had found their true soulmate. So what chances do we have to find our true love? Almost none. What if I tell you that with this mobile application, you can find your soulmate?" The boy said showing the concept of his tablet on the big screen placed in the back. The people in the audience started whispering to each other after hearing about the 'soulmate concept'.

"We developed an App where you put your genotype as alpha, beta, or omega plus your own DNA. It will determine your true genotype and sub-genes. For example, I am an alpha with a dominant alpha gen and a neutral beta gen" Namjoon explained smiling at the sight of how every people in the room was highly focused on listening to him.

"The Love Genotype App will instantaneously make a match of a few contenders who had high possibilities to be your soulmate," he said earning more gasps and whispers from the audience. He turned to check if the template of his application was displaying on the screen.

"If you like those contenders you click on the heart button and the app will display your combability in percentage," He said showing the screen of his tablet where only one match was displaying with a 97% of combability.

Namjoon smiled looking at the handsome boy in the corner who was also checking his phone. The subject of his tests and his boyfriend.

"You can get many hearts if people like you and are compatible with you, but in order to know your fated mate or soulmate, the results must be above 90%" he explained, and everyone was nodding and commenting.

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