"In case you didn't know Landon, I have an ability to make people feel pain. It can be quite unbearable." William states calmly. "All you have to do is ask for me to stop and I will." William tells him, but Landon doesn't say a word.

The pain starts spreading to my entire body and my heart is racing. It's going so fast and it is so loud. Even Landon has to be able to hear it. Breathing is getting harder, I am panting as I start whimpering. Landon just stands there looking at the wall. He could make this stop. How can he not make William stop? He really doesn't love me anymore. The pain I feel in my ruined heart far outweighs the pain from William. I let myself fall all the way to the ground and curl into a fetal position resting my forehead on the floor and sob. The pain from William stops but not the pain in my heart. I continue to sob and I feel a hand pulling me up by my upper arm. It was gentle and for a split moment I thought it was Landon but when I glance up it is William steadying my shaky balance. I glance over to Landon to find him looking at me bored which causes me to sob even more and I have to lean on Williams arm for support to stay standing. I drop my eyes to my feet to afraid to look at Landon.

The pain he is causing me is worse than anything William could ever do. Landon promised me so many times that he would never leave. That he would protect me. That he would love me. This isn't love.

"Interesting." William muses. "You would let her suffer through the pain and not even flinch?" He asks Landon roughly. Landon shrugs his shoulders.

"I made a rude comment about you, when my little Pet was first captured, and she attacked me. Yelled at me and even hit Me." he says with a dark chuckle. "Earned yourself quite a punishment didn't you pet?" he asked happily.

"Yes" I whispered. My eyes shoot up to Landon against my will to see his reaction the same time he spoke.

"Good." He muttered. Good? He was glad that William had punished me for standing up for him.

"Good?" I gasp. He looks at me but doesn't respond. His eyes are empty and I shiver. "You told me you loved me. You told me you would always be there for me. Just because I didn't do one thing you wanted me to do you leave? What kind of man are you? You are not the Landon that I fell in love with. You stood there and watched me get tortured and you didn't even bat an eye. Do you really hate me that much? I wouldn't even let a stranger suffer through that pain." My voice is rising and I had stepped closer to him, my whole body shaking in anger. "I love you Landon! I will always love you." I am so close to him that we are almost touching. "Please! Say something!" I yell but he just continues staring at me with that empty look. "Landon" I whimper.

"You have hurt me more than I ever thought possible." I whispered. "You broke your promise Landon." I close my eyes as he continues to ignore me.

"That was just heartbreaking!" King Xavier cried sarcastically. He snapped his fingers and two other guards entered the room. They headed towards me and I didn't even have time to think before one had my hands behind my back and the other was cutting off my dress. "What? Stop it!" I yelled as the one behind me started pulling my dress off leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties. I tried to wrench myself out of his grip, but it was not working. "William? Please make them stop!" I cried as the one in front of me was rubbing my stomach with one of his hands slowly working his way higher. William just smirked and shook his head.

I looked around trying to figure out to do when I noticed Landon struggling with his guards. "What are you doing!!" Landon yelled fighting the guard's grips. "Let her go! Get your hands off her.!" I can see the rage in his eyes. Xavier laughs but snaps his finger again and the guards back off of me. I fall to the ground and grab my dress trying to use the torn pieces to cover myself.

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