Scene 3: The Hustler

Start from the beginning

He lights the mini cigar and holds it to his mouth, savoring the taste, then exhales the smoke. A text alert interrupts his inhalation. He retrieves his phone and reads the text.


THE MRS.:  "Are you coming home?"

Paul types a response on the screen.

PAUL:  "I'm still working. I'll text you when I know."


Paul places his phone back in his inside coat pocket and holds his hand there as a young, streetwise male suddenly runs into the scene, out of breath.

ERNIE(25), dressed in baggy clothes. He has a perpetually cheerful face.

Paul slowly removes his hand from his coat and gets back to his smoke.

ERNIE:  My man, did you see a kid run this way?

PAUL:  No. But I haven't been here long.

ERNIE: (shakes head)  That little rascal.

PAUL:  Was it Spanky or Buckwheat?

ERNIE:  Who?

PAUL:  Never mind. Guess that was before your time. (takes a drag)  Why were you chasing a kid, anyway?

ERNIE:  Well, I was playing three card monte with him. And I won fair and square, but he took the twenty bucks he owed me and ran.

PAUL:  Why were you gambling with a kid? And a con game at that?

ERNIE:  Hey, it was educational. I was teaching him a valuable lesson about life.

PAUL:  Sounds like he schooled you. Maybe you'll know better next time.

ERNIE:  Yeah, I'll know never to trust anyone not old enough to drink.

He notices Paul's mini cigar.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  That's a fancy-looking cigarette. Can I bum one from you?

PAUL:  It's a cigarillo.

ERNIE:  I'm flexible. Can I have one, please?

PAUL:  That depends. Are you going to try and pull a con on me?

Ernie chuckles and gives Paul a "can you believe this guy?" look.

ERNIE:  No, I ain't like that. Look, if you don't wanna give me one you can just say so. I won't be offended.

Paul sighs and takes the case out. He hands Ernie a mini cigar. Ernie sticks it in his mouth.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  You got a light?

Paul takes his lighter out and lights the cigar. Ernie takes a deep breath and then starts coughing.

PAUL:  Don't inhale. It's not a cigarette.

Ernie spits on the ground and grimaces.

ERNIE:  Damn, that's nasty. Don't you have any strawberry flavored ones or something?

Paul is visibly amused.

PAUL:  I didn't buy it at a gas station. These are premium. So try not to waste it, huh.

ERNIE:  Oh well, a smoke's a smoke.

Ernie puts it to his mouth and takes another puff. They smoke in silence for a while before Ernie breaks in.

ERNIE (CONT'D):  So, what's your name?

PAUL: (hesitates slightly)  Paul.

ERNIE:  I'm Ernie.

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