The technology store at this school, Denki Electronics, was located on the first floor. I headed to an elevator and went on it, sharing the space with a couple other people. Of course, they had friends with them... ah, the life of solitude.

After leaving the elevator, I headed straight to the shop. Denki Electronics is a popular retail store that's known for selling cheap computers and laptops. I decided that I'd get one of the older models as it'd be less expensive.

When I entered the store, it was clean and looked pleasant. Lots of computer parts and laptops were on display, and a few students were browsing the store.

Most of them looked like the nerd type and a lot of them were also alone. I could only assume they were technology enthusiasts who had little friends like I did.

I'm not a big tech guy, so I don't feel like I'd survive a conversation with them. Plus, going up to people and talking to them wasn't one of my strong points.

Strangely, one person caught my eye. There was a girl with light green hair checking out the items on display. I found myself entranced by her out-of-place presence at this store.

Her head whipped in my direction as I stared at her. As our eyes met, she raised an eyebrow.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

I was caught completely off-guard. What do I do? I stiffened up, walking up to her.

"You were staring at me for awhile. Are you some kind of pervert or something?"

Did rumours about my interaction with Suzune yesterday spread around the school or something? I couldn't even tell which class this girl was from, because we didn't wear our school uniforms. Though, she was pleasant to look at.

"N-no, I'm... here to buy a laptop."

Why did I stutter? It makes me look like I'm lying or something. The girl gave me a shifty gaze, looking at me up and down.

"What a coincidence. Me too."

Her voice was full of sarcasm. If only I was a riajuu... I'd be able to keep up this conversation and maybe become her friend. My ideal scenario had dropped right into my lap, but due to my incapability of talking to others, I let this perfect chance die in front of my eyes.

I felt a bit awkward just standing next to her in silence, so I began stepping away slowly, as it seemed neither of us were willing to continue our brief talk. I guess I shouldn't disturb her, since she came alone like me. Perhaps she was the solitary type like Rinbayashi.

As I stepped away from her, the girl sent me a blunt look of... disappointment? It was such a deadpan and serious expression, I couldn't tell what she was trying to convey. Was it a look of disgust? I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

I panicked and walked away from her while scratching the back of my head like I was an ikemen or something. Even though I couldn't see her face, I'm sure she was sending a judgmental gaze my way.

I really hope she was an upperclassman or something. If she was in the same year as me, there'd be no doubt rumours about me being a creep towards girls would spread sooner or later. If she was friends with Suzune, it'd be even worse.

If that kind of rumour broke out, it would burn so many bridges because of it... including my already fragile friendship with Yukina. I shivered at that thought.

I perused the shop's laptop sections and was in awe at the models on display. Of course, they were the new ones with all the extravagant features, so it costed a lot of money.

I went up to an employee sheepishly and asked if they had some cheaper ones. The employee lead me to the back of the store where they kept their other devices.

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