Chp 5

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I wake up and go have breakfast. I decide to get dressed. I put on shorts and a blue top. I slide on Vans. I leave my hair down. I do light make up and go have coffee.

I dunno what I'm doing today. I'm really tired but I feel like I can at least go for a walk so I can up my mental state. I grab my bottle of water and go for a walk. I spot Tyson and he walks over. "Come to yours. I want to talk" Said Tyson. I nod and we go inside.

I sit down and he pulls me up. "You spent most of your day yesterday with my brother? Your a slut!" Said Tyson. "Tyson! Listen to me his my boss! Stop!" Said Lavender. He pushes me and I fall onto my right arm and feel a snap! I cry out and he walks off.

I begin to cry. I don't know what happened. I stand up and decide to go to the hospital. I just walk the 10 minutes to the hospital and go inside. "I think I broke my arm. I fell and landed on my right arm" Said Lavender. They take me for an X-Ray and then put it in a sling and cast. I go home and sit on my sofa.

I hear a knock on my door and I open it to Caden. He comes in and I close the door. "What happened?" Asked Caden. "I fell and broke my arm" Said Lavender. "Ouch. I'll stay to help you if Tyson isn't?" Said Caden. "His not. His busy" Said Lavender. "Guess your stuck with me" Said Caden. I smile and we sit down. "So what do ya want for lunch?" Asked Lavender. "I'll make it, homemade pizza?" Asked Caden. "Okay, I'll help" Said Lavender. "No. I'll do it" Said Caden and he does. I smile at him. His much better then Tyson, should have dated him. We enjoy our pizza.

For dinner we have something light since we had pizza but that's okay. I'm hopeful for this, to get away from Tyson.

We go to bed. Caden in the spare room and me in my room.

I prefer Caden. Tyson.... he needs to stop!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Lorna x

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