Chp 2

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I wake up and today is the internship after college. I am so excited yet nervous. My hair is too long to curl it and it takes ages to do so. I I just brush it and I put it in a ponytail. I do light make up and I go have porridge. I go down to the lobby and spot Tyson. "So you didn't get the internship" Said Tyson. "I did. I accepted it" Said Lavender. "Are you mad?" Said Tyson. "This could jump start my career! I love you not Caden" Said Lavender. "Fine. No flirting" Said Tyson. I nod. He takes my hand and brings me to my class.

I sit down and just listen to my lecturer. Eventually the day is over and I go to my car and drive to the studio. Caden's Studio. It's big. I go inside and knock on the office door. "Come in" Said Caden. I go inside and wow. Its so colourful. "Lavender!! Ok sit down! You'll just be helping me and also showing my your work!" Asked Caden. "Ok" Said Lavender. "Also I'll be teaching you how to run this place" Said Caden. I smile and nod. "How's you and Tyson?" Asked Caden. "Good." Said Lavender. Caden smiles and sits beside me. "Anyway you can wear whatever, I don't mind. Anyway let's get going" Said Caden. I smile and stand up.

We go outside and I spot this dude painting. "That's Jordan, his a great artist but he is having trouble doing some small details. Let's go and introduce you to him" Said Caden. "How old is he?" Asked Lavender. "23, He is basically my best friend" Said Caden. We walk over and Caden coughs. "Hey Caden, this must be Lavender Avery, the intern" Said Jordan. "Hi" said Lavender. "You'll enjoy this place, this idiot loves this place way too much" Said Jordan. I laugh and smile.

"Here is your station, draw, paint, build. I'll check in later" Said Caden. I smile and he leaves. I get started and then I eventually finish and go out. "Let's go for dinner to celebrate" Said Caden. I nod and we go to Wendy's.

I then head home and relax on the sofa and I then decide to head to bed at 11.

I'm happy about this internship.

A short one for now!

Hope ya enjoy

Lorna x

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