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Everyone was looking how I was putting Jisung's suitcases into the bus and us behaving lovingly dovly.  They all had suspicious looks. But Jisung somehow he was keeping his distance off me.

We got on the bus and start driving. My heart rised when he rested his head on my shoulder.  I looked around and kissed his soft coconut scent hair.  Oh god I want to suffocate in his hair.  I lifted my head from his hair and then I catch Eunho watching us from another seat. I looked at her too and turned my head back and smiled.  I took his left hand that was to my right and ran my fingers across his palm all the way to his fingers and then I locked our fingers.  I kept them like that whole ride.

Minho: Baby we arived.

He lifted his head from my shoulder and then gasped and grabbed his neck.

Jisung: Ahh!  My neck hurt.

I leaned over quickly and kissed his neck.

Minho: You better?

He looked at me with his sleepy eyes.

Jisung: Hell nah!  And who told you that you can kiss me?---

I leaned over his ear and whispered.

Minho: I waited all week as you said.  Now we are back to boyfriend status right?  I can give as many kisses I want.

He pushed me out of his ear and made me get up from the seat as we had to get out of the bus.

When we entered at our hotel rooms we threw ourselves on the beds.  I mean Jisung threw hisself on the bed because I was busy bringing our suitcases.  I looked him down on the bed. His shirt was little lifted up and he didn't notice, but I did.  I stared at his skiny V line.

Oh god Minho step out of your dirty thoughts.

Jisung: What are you looking at?  There is your bed.

I immediately locked the door and jumped on the bed on Jisung.

Jisung: Minho!  You're choking me !!

Minho: Im just cuddling you !!

Jisung:  It's called raping!

I start leaving all kisses around his face. He couldn't put his smile away it made me blush.

Minho: We just get into realationship and then we were on a break one week now we back together again.

Jisung: What are you talking about?  Our kisses were only on the break not our realtionship.  You didnt move your ass one inch of mine all week.

I smiled.

Minho: Well? ... thats true.

I smiled and pressed my lips down his neck and thats when he started giggling.

Jisung: It's tickling me!

He put his hands on his neck so i can't kiss him.  I take his hands and pull them down and I start kissing him again.

Jisung: Hahhaha!  Please stop!  Im gonna pee in my pants!

I pulled my head of him and looked at him crying of laugh.

Minho: You serious?

Jisung: Hahahah ... what?

Minho: How can you not enjoy it?.....Its sexy ....

Jisung: Kissing neck?

I nodded.

Jisung: Minho...

He said shyly and whispering.

Minho: Um?...

Jisung:  I saw .... how ... guys doing it.

Minho: Ya!  Jisung!  Did you ?!  Seriously?!!

He nodded all red. I imminently get off him.

Minho: I told you not to watch it!

Jisung:  Why? It Isn't that bad .... just a little bit awkward ....

He got up from the bed and sat on the corner of the bed next to me.

Minho: .... Are you awkward about it?

I looked at him and he looked away with red face too.

Minho: Okey !!

I clapped my hands and It startled him, and me too.

Minho: Let's go out!  Andddd ... Ummm?  Should we go for a swim?

I looked at him and he nodded.

We came to the beach even if it was a little overcast people was in the water.  I started running to a water and jump in it.  But before I splashed into the water, I heard a voice.

Eunho:  Jisung!

The silence heard beneath the water.  I threw my head out of the water and looked toward the shore. It was Eunho approached Jisung and kissed him.  I saw that he was uncomfortable with it. They stood and talked about something, I didn't want to get too close. They were angry at each other. She was really angry.  Is he breaking up with her?

I dived.


A smile crossed my face.

Finaly mine.

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