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Minho pov.

It was already six and a half hours pass. I was still lying with pain in my heart, hoping he will come. I felt someone jumped over me with arms around my waist. I opened my eyes and saw my baby.

Jisung: I'm sorry hyung ---

I missed him damn much. I pressed my lips on his bangs.

Minho: How was your date?

Jisung: Date? ...

I felt like I'm going to get sick of this pain in my chest.

Minho: I called you and that girl picked up .... and she said I disturbed your date ...

Jisung: She....she didn't tell me you called ...

Of course she didn't, I was even stupid to come here and wait for you.

Minho: I've been waiting for you since 4pm.

Jisung: Hyung ....

Minho: You still didn't tell me how was on your date--

Jisung: Hyung, Am dating her.

Ah....now I realized why my heart keeps breking in peaces .... because every time I am with him .... he heal my heart .... but still keep broking it, again again again until the sharp broken peaces of my heart really cut me.


I was still in the silent dont know what to say ... again ... again .... again .... wishing to say " Did you know .... that I don't like you .... I love you...didn't you know i would not date you .... i would marry you ... and make you be loved forever .... "

Jisung: Minho? ....

Minho: Um? .....

Jisung: Can you say something?

Minho: Congurlation ...

Jisung: Thanks ..... hyung ... but ... I really think .... I .... I don't like her ....

I lowered my head down at him and our eyes meet. His eyes hurting me. But why does he not like her now?

Jisung: Hyung .... what did I do? ...

Minho: Just follow your heart ... and do what he says. He knows the best.

I touched the left side of his chest, not breaking eye contact.

Minho: Our hearts never lie, but we always lie to ourselfs.

We used to never lie each other but now I mad my two faces ... one real ... and one that present fake me ...

It was late night and we take a taxi to our house. I looked at him sleeping with his puffy sqirral cheeks on my sholder.
The taxi driver looked at me on the rearview mirror and said.

Taxi driver: You two are dating?

I wish we did. I slowly shook my head.

Minho: He is my brother...

He smiled and nodded.

Taxi driver: Sorry my mistake.

I got out first of the car and then took Jisung in my arms and took him home and gentle put him in his bed. I stopped above him taking a look of him sleeping so softly. I removed his bangs and kissed his forehead. I went back to my house and threw myself on the bed.

Next day I wake up with a painful headache. I barely got out of bed and informed my mom that I can't go in school today, then I drank a pill for a headache and returned to bed.

more than best friend | l.mh + h.js | minsungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ