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Jisung pov.

I didn't sleep all night instand I cried my soul out wished his arms were around me and comfort me like he always do. Crying like that I meet morning with dried tears on my face. I had to get ready for school, so I got up.

Jisung:...He is a boy ... me too ... UGHh ... Thats so wrong ... I like girls ... not ... a ... boy ... I like a Eunho ...... Minho stop confusing my ... fellings!!

I tuched my haert and break down crying.

I dont feel anything towards you ... but why my heart beat crazy like this.

Jisung: W-We .... are only friends ... and ... I will try to keep it that way.

I whiped my taers and get dress for school. When I got out, Minho was waiting in front of the door. He was having big fat smile on his face.

Minho: Good morning!

Jisung: ...Oh ... Good morning...

I looked behind him and I saw Hyunjin.

Hyunjin: Hi...

Jisung: Hi...

Minho: I hope you don't mind if Hyunjin walk with us to school.

I shook my head and we went to school. As we get closer to arrived  Eunho house.

Jisung: I hope you don't mind if Eunho joins us.

He shook his head. I came to her and kissed her in front of his eyes, hoping that he would stop with his insanity.

Jisung: How were you baby?

Eunho: Good. You?

I nodded and put my hand around her sholder and she put her hands around my waist. And we continued on walking to school.

Minho pov.

I were in the cafeteria with Hyunjin and Felix. Eating and talking.

Felix: For a couple of days is Changbin's birthday he called you to come.

Hyunjin: We don't even know him that well, we saw him a cuple of times.

Felix: I know but he knows you two are my best friend so he let me call you guys.

Minho: That's nice.

Hyunjin: Yeah.

Felix: So? You guys coming?

Hyunjin looked at me.

Minhov I do not know---

Felix: Cmon! Let's have some fun! You want to forget about him. Right?

I nodded.

Minho: Okey then....

Felix: Yess !!!!---You Hyunjin?

He nodded.

Felix: Yeessss !! We gonna have fun !!

Minho: Why are you so excited? Did you prepare something like Changbin birthday gif?

I rised my eyebrow and smirked on him.

Felix: Ya! You pervert! ...... but ... yeah !!!

We burst in laugh.

Felix: This time... Im the top!

He wiggled his eyebrow.

Hyunjin: Ya! Ya! We didn't want to know who have which position!

Minho: Aghh! God!

Hyunjin: So.... you are literally said that you are the one who is being fucked by Changbin hahahahah !!

more than best friend | l.mh + h.js | minsungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz