{4} 𝒜𝓇𝓇𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓁 𝒶𝓉 𝑀𝒾𝓇𝓀𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹

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...The image above is what Allyria wears whilst she is training...

The early morning sun streamed through the branches of the trees, basking Allryia in a warm glow as she prepared for her training.

Her room was small, with few furnishings, yet comfortable and full of character; the bare bark of the supporting trees and the flowing silks of the bed creating a sense of effortless expense. She whirled across the room: hurriedly putting on her training tunic and boots, whilst gathering her weapons and senses to her. Her hectic movements were a stark contrast to the serene calm of her environment.

She'd woken up late that morning, having slept well for the first time in weeks, and panicking because she was late for her usual morning session with Fenrael.
Even if they were in Mirkwood and not Rivendell, Fenrael still planned to train his mentee, and King Thranduil had kindly granted them access to the training hall and all equipment in it.
Picking up the last of her necessary possessions, Allyria hurried out of her room and practically flew to the training courtyard.

"I'm here!! I'm not late, I promise- I'm just fashionably present!" Allyria called out jokingly to Fenrael, her trainer whom she assumed to already be present. 
Setting her weapons on the side rack, she bent down to retie her boots, before realising that she had not received a reply yet. Slowly, she straightened back up with a nervous look on her face: Fenrael was never late.
"Fenrael? Are you here?"

Again, no reply.
Confused and worried by this silence, Allyria set aside her belongings and began to wander in search of her trainer...

Some time later, Allyria had settled on grooming Aeno in the stables after discovering Fenrael to be on a hunt with the Elves of Mirkwood. It seems they did not take kindly to their guests being attacked so close to Mirkwood, and were out to subdue the immediate threat.

Each stroke of the brush through Aeno's mane made Allyria impatient, she wanted to be training or riding, not grooming her horse. Yet she prevailed as she knew it was necessary and perhaps she would go riding afterwards, just not on Aeno as he needed the rest after the long journey.
This thought prompted Allyria to start studying the surrounding horses, searching for a suitable steed for her to ride afterwards.
Other thoughts then began to form a plan in her head, perhaps she could take one of the Mirkwood guards with her to guide her through the forest?

Placated by the idea of filling her day with something she enjoyed, a gleeful smile stretched across her face.

"Lady Allyria?" A lyrical voice questioned her.

Spinning quickly around in surprise, Allyria lost her footing atop the steps she was stood on and began to fall to the ground. The ground rushed up to meet her as she gasped in shock before rigid arms deftly caught her.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you!" Legolas apologised frantically as he set her upright once more before unwrapping his taut arms from around her.
His warm hands left Allyria's arms cold and her skin tingled at the absence of his brief touch, the familiarity of it confusing Allyria; how could someone so new to her bring her so much comfort so quickly?
An embarrassed Allyria simply laughed it off, "Oh don't worry, Prince. The fault was mine: I should have been more aware of my surroundings." 
Shaking her head with a humble smile, she lowered her gaze to the ground, allowing her hair to shield her red face.

"Still, are you sure you're okay? And please, let's get rid of the unnecessary formalities- call me Legolas."

The abrupt call for an end of formalities comforted Ria as she drew her head up once more.
With a slight raise of her skeptic eyebrow, she replied "Well then, Legolas, you can call me Allyria. And yes, I'm completely alright, just too clumsy for my own good. If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?"

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