(New) Chapter 9: Die Übersoldaten: Part 2 (18+)

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Warning: Disturbing content all throughout this chapter!

        (Y/N) shook in rage, his grip tightening around his gun. The clicking sound coming from his gun signalled that he had run out of ammunition in his current magazine.

          The soldier growled and loaded a fresh one, refilling the other along the way. He looked at his target; a buck-naked, bullet filled, burning, fat man. (Y/N) pulled the bastard off of the girl whom he was violating, and came across a heavily disfigured but very much alive teenager.

       Her breathing was ragged, blood and semen pouring out from her mouth and folds. (Y/N) closed his eyes. He knew that she was lost.

       "I'm sorry, forgive me," (Y/N) finally said, taking aim at the dying girl, "I hope you'll be able to find peace."

One shot.

One quick shot to the head and the girl's suffering was gone. As her body burned away, (Y/N) muttered a small prayer, wishing her well. He breathed in shakily and marched forward, leaving the corpse of the fat man to the rats. He didn't deserve to be cremated.

Carson was scared. As he looked on through the cameras' footage on his monitor, he saw the black armoured soldier marching through the halls unhindered. He saw how the man tore through one of his well trained non-hunter security teams. He saw how the soldier massacred the disposal unit. He saw how the soldier seemed to peer into his soul whenever he looked up at a camera.

Those red eyes. That horrifying mask. That gun.

Carson was well and thoroughly fucked. But he didn't know that yet.


He looked up from the computer.

"What is it, Jackson?" Carson demanded, "If you aren't already aware, we are being raided by a near invincible man with a weapon that could easily murder everyone here."

"I know that," the man identified as Jackson stated, "but I'm a Hunter, and Sophia's a Huntress. We can take him on."

Carson seemed to fall into thought for a moment before nodding.

"Go," he ordered, "kill him by any means necessary!"

"I expect a raise..."

"Yes! Yes! I know, now go!"

Jackson nodded, then left with a grin on his face.

"Hee-hee!" he giggled slightly, wondering if Candy would be available later.

The pale, skeleton-like man licked his lips, and tilted his fedora slightly.

"Time for some fun!"

More bodies hit the floor as (Y/N) emptied his rifle, the spent casings tinkling against the floor. More bullets hit his chest, but all ricocheted helplessly. The Canadian simply continued marching forwards, loading his gun casually only to empty it once more into the guards that were on the receiving end of his wrath.

Groaning to his right broke the silence that he had found himself in. (Y/N)'s gaze flicked to the floor and locked onto a man who was somehow still breathing. With no hesitation, the armoured soldier lifted his foot and proceeded to literally stamp out a life.

After the fifth strike, a sickening squelch came from the wounded man's head. His brain, fragments of his skull, and eyes shot out from the demolished head.

"Good riddance," (Y/N) sneered at the corpse, "may God be more merciful than I was."

As (Y/N) turned, he was greeted by a scantily clad woman who was currently staring at him in terror. The soldier walked forwards, unfazed as the woman began backing away. To her surprise however, was when the soldier walked past and merely gestured to his back.

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