(New) Chapter 16: Dockyard Devastation

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       (Y/N) stood in front of Ozpin, clad in his new power armor. Judging from the look on his face, the headmaster held an expression of contemplation as he looked over the significantly taller man that (Y/N) had become. He sighed then leaned back in his chair and sipped at his coffee.

       "You've put in me in quite the predicament, Mister (L/N)," the headmaster sighed once more and rubbed his head, showing his lack of energy, "we've had to track your progress at Doctor Braun's lab for several days and try to come up with a plausible backstory that could explain your... transformation."

      "I... apologize for not letting you know of my intentions, Headmaster," (Y/N) replied, sighing quietly.

      "Hm. It does not matter anymore. What's done is done. Luckily for you and as if by coincidence; there was a chemical spill at an illegal refinery in the forest. This single event helped create a plausible backstory to explain your condition; I had sent you on a simple dismantling mission and unfortunately, a firefight broke out. Stray bullets impacting the chemical tanks near you caused them to rupture and as a result; cause surprisingly non-lethal mutations within your body."

       "And how would I explain my armor...?"

       "Simply explain that it was an armor redesigning process that your 'uncle' Braun was creating at the time of the incident and that it took some time for him to modify the armor's chassis in order to accommodate your new body."

       (Y/N) went quiet again, and sighed.

      "Don't you think that's too complex, Headmaster?" the young man asked.

      "I... tend to overcomplicate my explanations. It's a bad habit of mine." Ozpin chuckled slightly before yawning, "However, despite that, do you understand what I was trying to explain?"

     The armored man nodded as he studied the headmaster's tired expression.

       "Go now," Ozpin said, breaking the silence as he stifled a yawn, "get some rest. And... we shall deal with this issue tomorrow."

     (Y/N) nodded, then turned to leave the office. Although, he didn't make it far before Ozpin called him back while having an exasperated tone in his voice.

      "I have just received word of activity at the docks," the sleepy headmaster stated while stifling yet another yawn, "activity in which skills like yours are perfect for the situation."

      "Criminal activity," (Y/N) mused, chuckling quietly, "Alright. Any information on who I'm facing?"

      "The White Fang," Ozpin answered bluntly, taking a sip of his now empty coffee.

      "Hmm. The once peaceful organization turned terrorist. Very well. I shall head there now."

      The headmaster nodded at that and waved his hand, dismissing (Y/N) for the night. Setting down his mug, he then watched as (Y/N) made his way to the elevator and cringed internally as it let out a screech of protest when the armor-clad man entered it. Ozpin sighed again and wrote down another note; this one reminding him to call an elevator technician the following day.


       Lucia walked along with team RWBY, having joined up with the girls in order to try and find their friend Blake who had run away after a heated argument had broken out between her and the glacial heiress, Weiss.

       "You know, Weiss," Lucia spoke up with a disappointed tone, "you really need to work on that hostile temper of yours. Especially towards my kind."

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