(New) Chapter 3: Remnants of Sanity

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          Huffing and puffing, (Y/N) suddenly burst out from a densely covered section of the forest. His C8A3 in hand, he unloaded the magazine and refilled it with his ability.

          Hearing branches snapping close by, (Y/N) brought his rifle up and began swiftly walking away. Suddenly spotting a pair of menacing red eyes, the operator let loose a burst of armour-piercing-incendiary rounds. He had long since run out of ordinary rounds back on his world, so instead he had been using the now dubbed 'Overkill' rounds.

          Once done, (Y/N) quickly jogged to the now crumbling corpse of a giant wolf-like creature. He checked if it was really dead, then continued sprinting to where he hoped that the forest would end. The young man had seen many things, but the nightmarish bears, wolves and birds took the cake in terms of scariness.

          Laughing nervously, the operator nearly made himself dizzy as he frantically scanned his surroundings. He had long since lost the trail he had been following for the past two days, so he was hoping that the forest would stop tormenting him.

         Out of breath, and virtually all of his energy, (Y/N) climbed up a tree and set himself up in a way to not fall in his sleep. Getting comfortable, the young man slipped into slumber.

        In his dreamscape, he stood alone. In the darkness with whispering all around him. Despite having encountered her during his first night in the forest, (Y/N) hadn't been able to recover.

        "Well, well, if it isn't my little soldier boy..." a shadowy figure said, coming out of nowhere. It used a woman's voice, though its true appearance remained shrouded.

        "W-w-what do you want from me?!" (Y/N) screamed as he looked around frantically, desperately searching for a way out.

        The shadow just laughed.

        "Oh (Y/N), I already told you. You interest me, not only because of your abilities, but the amount of suffering you've endured... and like I also said, I'm slowly breaking you in... because one way or another... you will be mine, and mine only~."

        As it said that, (Y/N) suddenly found himself forced down into a chair with cuffs holding him in place. Fear instantly took over as he began screaming, desperately trying to break free from his bonds. The shadowy figure floated over, tutting like a teacher who's disappointed with a student. Crouching down slightly, the figure came face to face with (Y/N) who was thrashing violently. The shadow then placed its hands roughly on the man's exposed face, thus holding him in place.

         "Why do you resist? Don't you realize it's futile?"

          As a response, it received spit to the face, though it passed right through. The shadow sighed, before looking back in (Y/N)'s eyes.

          "You know, that wasn't very nice of you," it growled slightly, "it seems that I'll have to punish you~"

          (Y/N) went wide-eyes as his spectral tormentor leaned in and forcefully kissed him. This time however, it seemed to have put more... passion behind the action. And then like the past two nights, when the figure separated and vanished, the nightmare truly began. (Y/N)'s bonds then faded away, and he was able to move freely once more.

         His dead family then appeared before him, arms reached out towards him. And when he reached, they'd disappeared. His sister's voice then echoed; "You could've saved me. But you didn't. You couldn't. You failed me! Failed us! The whole family! I hate you! I wish you were never born!"

          Despite having been through it twice already, (Y/N) burst out crying. He pleaded for the torment to stop, but it continued regardless. No matter where he went, everything followed.

          "Leave me alone, damnit!" (Y/N) yelled.

          As he turned to look back in front of him, he stumbled and landed at the feet of his wispy tormentor. As if seeing a sadistic smile behind the shroud of darkness covering the creature's face, the young soldier began immediately trying to get away, his fear clearly engraved on his face.

          But it wasn't to be.

          The shadow pounced on the defenceless man and pinned him to the ground.

          "Your screams and suffering are just delicious," the shadow said, panting heavily, "you know, I was debating this... however I wonder what kind of screams you'll produce when I do this..."

         Finishing the sentence, the shadow then began the process in which (Y/N) got violated... his only way to salvation, was when he fell out of the tree and woke up from the pain.

        (Y/N) immediately stood up, gathered his gear, and while ignoring the large amount of stickiness in his pants, he ran in the same direction he'd planned to head for in the first place.

        But unlike the other days, the voice followed.

        "Despite being in the dream, you certainly enjoyed yourself~"

        (Y/N) tried his best to ignore the voice, but whenever he covered his ears, the voice merely resounded in his mind instead.

         "Come on~ Don't tell me you didn't enjoy yourself," the voice said.

         "I didn't, and I won't!" (Y/N) roared in return, "sucking me off, using me and causing me to climax wasn't the greatest fucking thing I experienced! I actually prefer death than having to go through that again!"

          If anyone had been looking at that time, they would've seen a possibly deranged young man talking to himself.

         "Oh~ you wound me deeply, my love," the voice whispered seductively ,"I can see why she told me to look over you... I'll be seeing you again, my dear... hahahahaha!!!"

          As if in an instant, (Y/N) found himself sighing in relief as he realized that he was alone once more.

         "Maybe I'm losing it..." he said to himself as he trudged forwards. Onwards to the lights of a town called:..


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