Chapter 64

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That night, Micky and Robert presided over a chaotic cookout in a light drizzle, which they explained to their thoroughly American friends Peter and Dawn was commonplace for Brits to do no matter what the weather.

Dawn was amused at Robert's now finely honed domestic skills. She asked "So Robert, how do you like being the househusband?"

Robert gave a wry smile and said "Oh, I love it. We hold our union meetings in the pub on the days it rains, which is pretty often, but when the sun's out, we gather at the park."

Dawn's eyes bugged out and she shrieked "You have a union? No fair! I want a union, too! How come I'm stuck at home folding laundry all by myself and nobody's inviting me out for a pint?"

Robert couldn't contain his laughter anymore as he took great pleasure in having got one over on Dawn. When she realized he'd pranked her, she blushed and cried "Oh, you! Well, anyhow, that sounds like the germ of a brilliant idea! I think you might be onto something really important. Being a stay-at-home parent really is a full-time job and sometimes it's a thankless and lonely one." She looked quickly at Peter to stave off his imminent protestation and said "Though of course Peter is very appreciative and very helpful when he's not on the road," and she gave him a smooch and ruffled his hair, which had grown darker brown over the years as he had spent less time in the sun.

Peter gave Dawn a fond squeeze back and then looked encouragingly at Charly, who was at the moment tormenting her brother Sebastian by tossing nuts from a bowl on the coffee table at him. "Charly's been a big help with Alvin, changing his diapers, and you just love helping, don't you Charly?"

Charly took her finger and stuck it down her throat and said "Ewwww, Dad, barf out, gag me with a spoon! Totally gross! I'm only doing it so I can earn enough money to get my own set of wheels!"

Everyone laughed and Micky gave a bewildered shrug of the shoulders at Charly's odd lexicon. He inquired "Is that the new slang for today's kids? I've been away for far too long, I guess."

Sebastian piped up "She says she's a Valley Girl, Uncle Micky. All her friends talk like that." He crossed his arms and shook his head disapprovingly. "It's like, totally dumb. Fer sure, fer sure," he said, further mocking the slang his sister tended to use.

Charly took a handful of nuts and threatened to bean him with a fusillade until Dawn shot her a warning glance. Instead, she crammed them in her mouth and strolled away, deciding to see what kind of mischief she could get into with Matilda, who was twirling around in her tutu, which she wore constantly. She had several in her wardrobe and nobody could convince her that a day's outfit was complete without one.

"Hey, Tildy!" she cried. "Show me that totally tripindicular dance step! I want to learn how to do it!" She grabbed the little girl's hands and they gamboled off to busy themselves with pirouettes and jetés until dinner was ready. Sebastian stuck by his dad, who was teaching him the rudiments of the guitar, and they played some simple tunes until the barbecue was finally ready and everyone sat down to eat.

After dinner, there was the usual jam session, including Robert, who had improved his guitar playing considerably in the time he had been living in Britain. Micky and Peter were very impressed and applauded his efforts heartily, for which he was bashfully grateful. Eventually, the kids got edgy and wanted to do something more their speed, so Robert and Lynda introduced Peter, Dawn and their kids to the joys and frustrations of the limited offerings on British television while Micky and Gabby put on their Wellies and took Schmooshy for a walk.

Reunion (The Monkees Family Vol. 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें