Chapter 29

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Micky walked over to Gabby. She had been talking to Robert and Lynda and some other folks they had just met. He slung his arm around Gabby's shoulder and nestled his lips in her neck, causing her to shiver. He whispered in her ear "You are my everything in this world and into the next, and I love you, Gabriella."

She looked up at him and sought to divine what brought on such a heartfelt declaration of love. She didn't know, but when Micky moved his body even closer to hers and pressed himself into her, she knew that something had set him off and made him feel insecure or in need of reassurance that all was right with them. That was his tell, his nonverbal cue that he needed some extra TLC. She gave back "You will always be my everything, Micky, in life, in love, and when we meet again on the other side."

Micky steered Gabby around the room, introducing her to various folks who came by to wish him well, until it dawned on her that she hadn't taken a moment for herself since she arrived at the theater. She was feeling a bit overwhelmed and really needed to take a pee. She turned to Micky and said "Micky, I need a moment. I'm going to hit the ladies room. I'll be right back."

"Okay, babe," he said distractedly, as another friend came up and lifted him off the ground into a big bear hug of congratulations.

Gabby walked into the ladies room and chose a stall, went to the bathroom and then stood at the sink washing her hands. Suddenly, she saw a flash of movement in the reflection in the mirror in front of her that caught her eye. She looked up and saw Sharon looming directly behind her. Before she had time to speak or preferably scream, Sharon had covered her mouth and dragged her back into a stall and closed the door. She remained behind her and held Gabby with a chokehold terminating with a small utility knife she had in her hand so that Gabby didn't dare move. Gabby noted mentally that Sharon forgot to lock the door and pinned all her hopes on using that to her advantage.

Sharon removed her hand from Gabby's mouth now. "Hello, my juicy piece of forbidden fruit," Sharon greeted her. "You've been avoiding me. That makes me sad. And maybe just a little bit offended. And just a leeeeetle bit angry." Sharon was running her free hand through Gabby's sleek bobbed hair as she spoke. At the last utterance, she tugged hard on a lock of her hair and clutched it in her grip, jerking Gabby's head back.

Sharon took her knife and began to slice the front of Gabby's dress open, then made short work of her lacy bra. She exclaimed upon seeing such fancy lingerie "Ooooh, you're all tarted up for me, Gabby. You really didn't have to, but it's so nice. So verrrry nice." She reached around and groped one of Gabby's breasts and pulled it free from her bra, then yanked the whole thing down to free the other.

Gabby tried to remain calm and just breathe. She allowed herself to float outside her body and to just detach from what was happening to her. For once, she was grateful for her ability to perform this type of dissociation.

Sharon began to lick her neck and kiss her and caress and squeeze her breasts, but noticed she wasn't getting any sort of response from Gabby. This displeased her. She yanked her head back again and said "Hey, chicky, I'm not having much fun with you going all frigid on me. What, you don't appreciate the pleasure I'm giving you? Maybe you'd rather I give you pain?"

Gabby could hear the words but could not react. She was too far gone. Sharon squeezed her roughly and began to bite her neck. She cruelly twisted her nipples and scratched at her skin, but Gabby did nothing other than whimper.

"Maybe I need to use this on you, huh?" Sharon brought the knife up close to Gabby's face and waved it. Sharon grabbed Gabby's face and twisted it so that she could see the fear in her expression. She laughed when she got a good look at Gabby, then took her lips in hers and forced her tongue down Gabby's throat while Gabby choked and continued to whimper.

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