Author's Note

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Welcome to Volume 3 of the Monkees Family Trilogy.  You don't have to have read the first two volumes to enjoy this one, but it will deepen your comprehension, appreciation and enjoyment if you do read them.  I've filled in the backstory so you'll understand the plot as it goes along when it refers to the past.

As in the first two volumes, the timeline is a bit skewed.  Since I began my story in Volume 1 in the middle of the year 1967, that means this version of the Monkees did not release their first album until later that year.  Therefore, their 20th anniversary, which is referenced in the first chapter and will culminate at the end of the story, is being pushed back to 1987, rather than 1986 as it took place in real life.

Another word about the timeline and accuracy to note is that I didn't stay completely faithful to career moves or when they took place for the guys.  For dramatic purposes and to make the story more interesting, I changed the timing on some choices the characters make as opposed to those the actual Monkees made in real life, be they the gigs they take, the partners they are with (all of whom are original characters whom I've invented), or the number of children or lack thereof that they produce.  Like the second volume, this story also contains various themes of addiction, abuse, mental health and angst-filled moments that did not take place or exist in real life, as far as we know. 

This is a work of fiction, so just keep that in mind.  It is a story about my imaginative version of the characters these guys played on their T.V. show, plus a dash of their own biographies as told by themselves through reputable sources.  No aspersions or libel are meant.

Thanks for continuing this journey we're on with these characters. I've grown to love them fiercely and I hope you will as well.  They're perfectly imperfect, as are we all.

Thank you for reading my story.  Please comment and vote.  I appreciate hearing what you think and enjoy interacting with you!

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