Chapter 12

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Micky and Gabby had decided to have a quiet New Year's Eve home alone. They tuned in to Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve and waited for the ball to drop in New York City's Time's Square at 9 p.m. California time, then again at midnight their time. They toggled between that and Guy Lombardo's New Year's Eve show. They went with the full-on schmaltz and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. They had done plenty of rock star VIP celebrations over the years, but with Micky newly in recovery, they just wanted to do something low-key. They popped popcorn and sipped hot chocolate despite the scorching hot weather and pretended they were freezing their butts off like the people in Times Square. When they counted down to the new year, Schmooshy the young purebred pug and Oodles the older, larger rescue dog of indeterminate breed mix barked along with them and demanded to be part of the celebration and collect their share of hugs and congratulations.

Micky suggested a bath to wind down the evening and Gabby eagerly accepted. She had some loose ends she wanted to discuss with him. As they soaked, she brought up her first item of business.

"Micky, I want to talk about Robert and Lynda's wedding predicament. I'm bothered by the fact that they can't have their wedding in England where all of Lynda's family lives. I'm not sure how much family Robert has, but I'm assuming it's not as much as Lynda, and in any case, she's been away for so long. I'd like us to help them out. Would you be on board for that?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well, we could find out how many relatives Robert has, and if it's not a giant mishpucha, like say, ten or fewer, we could offer to fly them over to England and maybe help them out with hotel bill for those who can't afford it."

Micky gulped. "Gabby, I know we've got a lot of money, and we're not gonna go homeless if we do that, but that's a lot of money to spend."

"I know, Micky. But think of it this way. Think of all the money I haven't spent all these years. All these years we've lived together that I've paid rent, refused your largess, haven't let you splurge on me. This is me asking for some of that now in a huge lump sum. I know it's extravagant, but it's what really matters to me. Not money spent on me in dribs and drabs for fancy luxuries I didn't really need and could live without. It's family, that's what matters to me. Family and happiness and making people's dreams come true. That matters to me. Like us paying for them to come on our honeymoon. I'd have been crushed if they weren't there, so we paid their way because they couldn't afford it. They'll never be able to have the lifestyle we have, but we love them dearly and we consider them family. Okay, I'm getting off my soapbox now. Tell me what you think."

Micky thought about it for a bit, stroked his chin, wiggled his toes in the water and scratched his knee. Then he broke into a smile.

"Yep, you're right. I just did the math in my head. With what you've been paying me in rent all these years, we could pay for a small regiment to fly to England and stay for months. Okay, let's do it. But let's figure out a way to approach it so that they don't feel like charity cases. I don't want them to be embarrassed. Can you talk to them or should I?"

"I'll talk to Robert when I see him at work and see what he thinks. He's the one with all the relatives who'll be getting flown over. I think Lynda will be thrilled."

"Okay, let's see what he says."

Gabby leaned forward, took Micky's hands in hers and kissed him tenderly on the lips. "Thanks, hubby. Or should I say Daddy?"

"Yeah, you can call me Daddy in this instance." They were making reference to the nickname the Hollywood Vampires' wives and girlfriends called their men, short for "sugar daddy," a nickname that normally repelled Gabby.

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