The truth -Part 12

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Rosie's POV

I look around shocked. I kind of freeze but then I remember my babies and the fact that I'm not embarrassed by them.

"Yeah I have 4 kids." I finally say cutting off the awkward silence.

"YOU HAVE 4 KIDS!" Lillie screams!

"Yeah that's what I said." I reply nodding quickly.

"How have you had four kids?" Nate asks "Did you adopt them or..."

"No they are biologically mine. They are turning 3 soon and they are quadruplets." I say smiling.

"Woah...." everyone says

"Yeah sooo ummm speaking of who I better get going home to check on them...." I quickly say needing to get out of this awkward situation.

"Wait Rosie? How is this possible?" Lillie asks.

I look at her with a confused expression "You do know how babies work yes?"

"Of course I do but like how?" Lillie responds rolling her eyes at me.

"His name was Shawn, I wasn't ever in love with him at least not in the way I have been in love before...." I trail off and look down. I feel Nates eyes on me. "It was in California and I was all alone and I met him at a bar and we just got along really well and I needed a place to stay so I moved in with him."

"Are you two still together?" Mark asks

I gulp and shake my head.

"It's okay sis," Sylvia whispers and hugs me. "You don't have to explain anymore. I'm also really sorry Oakley did that."

"It's okay I'm not embarrassed by my kids." I say smiling. "Can we go home now? I don't feel like being here anymore."

"Of course I'll go find Edward and Kayley!" Sylvia says "Wanna come with me Rachel?"

"Sure! I'd like that," Rachel says following Sylvia leaving me alone with my friends.

"So...." Lillie says

"Can you tell us about your kids?" Nate finishes.

"Sure! There is Cain, Rowan, Carsten and Lilly." I say looking at Lillie at the end.

"You name your daughter the same name as me?" She asks her eyes starting to water.

"Yes I did. You were my best friend forever almost." I smile and hug her.

"That's cool Rosie I'm happy for you." Mark says hugging the both of us.

"Yeah I'm sure they love you a lot. You're amazing!" Nate says as he hugs us.

"Thanks guys I'm glad your cool about this," I mumble while letting go of them. "We should hang out one of these days."

"Yeah that would be fun!" Mark says

"I should have my apartment soon wanna help me paint it?" I ask them

"Ooh painting party!!" Lily screams smiling while she jumps up and down.

"Woohoo I'll have to stay around for that." Rachel says as her, Sylvia, Edward and Kayley walk towards us.

"So it's a plan. Can I get your number Rosie?" Nate asks as he pulls out his phone. I smile and put my number in. After wards we say goodbye and walk to the car.

"Did you have fun sis?" Edward asks me as he pulls Kayley along.

"Yeah I'm good down worry," I smile, "It was good talking to them again. I forgot how much fun I had being their friend."

Edward smiles and we get in the car as I drive back home. I look back on what happened and groan because I forgot what Oakley did. Monica is gonna be an absolute trash about it accusing me of sleeping around. Whatever it's 2020 I can do whatever the heck I want to.

As we pull into the driveway I get out and run to my room. I pass dad and say hello and run up the stairs as quietly as possible. I see my four angels sleep in the bed. Walking quietly I quickly change and sit down by then. Cain is hugging Rowan and Carsten while Lillie is hugging her blanket. With a quick aww I pick Lillie up and put her farther down the bed so I can lay down.

"Mama?" I tired voice says.

"Hi sweet boy," I reply to Cain "it's okay go back to bed."

"Mama!" A sleepy Rowan tells reaching for me. I smile and grab him and Cain putting them on either side of me. "Shh babies go back to bed."

"Mama sing us a song!" Carsten says scooting closer to Cain.

"Yeah mama sing us a song," Lillie says rubbing her eyes and cuddling into her blanket.

"Alright sweet babies but go to bed." I say and start singing a lullaby. I watch them all fall asleep as the song goes on. Kissing all of their heads I get tired and close my eyes.

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