The Fam -2

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Rosie's POV

I smile remembering the greatest day of my life. When I arrive at the front desk they tell me  Dads room is 4D. I stop in front of the door say a silent prayer in my head before knocking softly on the door and slowly opening it.....

As I open it I'm facing with 8 heads spinning at me. Their mouths hang open in shock. I just stand there for a couple minutes before my dad yells "Who is that? Who's at the door!?" I giggle    quietly at my father.

"For the love of tea would you all close your mouths you look like fish! and tell me who your looking at!" He yells again. Now you know where I got my impatience.

Deciding no one is gonna move I walk forward and stand in front my my father.

"Rosalinda is that my beautiful daughter?" He whispers while taking my hand.

"Yeah it's me Dad. I'm home." I quietly say.

Getting his voice back my Dad pulls me into a hug saying "I've missed you sweet heart. Where have you been and why have you not contacted us!"

"I'll tell you all in due time but I just want to say sorry." I say spinning around to face the rest of family plus the 3 strangers I don't know. "I'm sorry for leaving but more importantly I'm sorry for being a brat I'm sorry for throwing you all into my problems and then never thanking you for everything you've done for me."

I look around at my family face before turning back to dad and kneeling next to him. Since he the only who wants to talk to me.

"Rosalinda my baby girl is that really you?" I suddenly hear my mother whisper. Standing up quickly I run over to her and pull her into my arms. She's still taller then me standing at 5'6 while I'm 5'1.

"Yes it's me mom!" I say in her ear.

She pushes me back but keeps her arms on my shoulders."Let me look at you for minute." She awkwardly stares at me before yelling "Justin, Sylvia, Edward get over here and look at how beautiful your sisters gotten!"

"Seems you were the only one to keep the blonde hair past 20." Justin days ruffling my hair.

"You've also grown a fashion sense. Your now showing me up in clothing." Says Sylvia looking at my clothes (up above).

"Thanks guys. Being an official adult has changed me a bit." Although that's not the only that's changed me I dimly think.

"So the Lil sis decides to finally show her face." Edward says finally looking at me.

"Yeah..." I start slowly before looking back at dad who gives me a encouraging nod "Edward I'm sorry for leaving and not telling you guys why. For the first 3 years I still had that bitter attitude against you guys. The forth year I had a rude awakening that made me realize what I was think was wrong but by then I believed it was to late."

He walks over to me pulling me into his arms. "I know your sorry sis and even by those two words you have showed me you have changed and I would love to get to know this Rosalinda."

"We will the rest of our lives to know each other right Rosalinda your staying forever now!" My mom says frantically grabbing my arm as if she's scared ill disappear right in front of her. Not that I can blame her.

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