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Hey ya'll, I've been obsessed with The Weeknd recently and it got me in a mood to write, so here you gooooo. Also, I wanna finish this book quick and write something else, this trash. It's gonna be a knock off Jah twilight type thing. Also, school sucks mad balls and music is my coping mechanism. Also I've been busy with homework and I have V-ball practice everyday and don't get home until 5:30 and if not, I have a game and get home at like 8:00. Sorry. 

"I CAN'T FEEL A DAMN THING, BUT IMMA GIVE YOU WHAT YOU CALLED FOR... JUST LET ME GET IN MY ZONEEEEEEEEEEEEE." It's a song by The Weeknd, it's called "the zone" it has drake but when his verse come on I press skip. LMAOOOOOO

Liah POV:

"Stoke, I'm not talking to him", I said feeling myself get aggravated.

 "Fine," he sighed. "But please don't all bipolar on him and treat him like he's Lucifer, you can't even get up go see what happened and get proven wrong. Jahseh DIDN'T mean to fuck this girl. I'm not getting into it, just please PLEASE go figure things out with him." Stoke said in a begging/annoyed tone. 

"I thought telling you would make me feel better and maybe you would be on my side, but I just feel worse", I said truthfully. 

I loved Stokeley, don't get me wrong. But this "pep talk" I wanted him to give me wasn't really working out the way I wanted it to. I'm stubborn as fuck, and I want a lot of people to do certain things for me but I never tell them what I want, I leave them to figure it out. 

My heart pulsated, I hated this, I wanted it to end. I want Jahseh, no I don't. My conscience fought with me, my head was messing with me. I guess Stoke could tell because he opened his mouth to talk but closed him mouth again and looked at me puzzled. "Look Lani," Stoke started. "I want you to be happy, but I told you. He IS going to hurt you, Jah has a whole other side you might think you know, but you don't", he said. His words scrambled around in my brain and it sent shivers down my spine, leaving me tingling all over. My vision got blurry, and I couldn't produce thoughts. My ears started to ring and I palmed my ears. "Ani" Stoke said distortedly. His voice sounded far away, and high pitched, it mixed with the ringing in my ears making me groan. It went dark. 

"Mommy, what's wrong? Where's daddy?" I asked innocently. I watched as my mother took another gulp of vodka and wiping away her tears. She sighed, "You wouldn't understand" My mother said, her voice breaking more and more every word. I tilted my head, I was so confused. I stared at her from my hospital bed as she sat in the small red chair in the corner. "Your daddy is gone" She said crying harder now. Something I never felt before struck me, my heart hurt, I was speechless. Tears ran down my face and I wanted to run, run far away. "It's your fault, it's because you weren't holding onto the swing and you feel off and then your daddy hated himself for it" She said, her words hit like bullets. This was the first time I wanted to... die. Just not be alive, be with my daddy, not have this conversation, I wanted it all to end 

Sorry this is so short, I've been working on it for 4 days and I've been too busy to finish long chapters coming over the weekend maybe later tonight -author

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