part 18 kill me

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Sorry I left you on a cliffhanger I've been really busy but thank you for 200 reads!

Jaylani POV: 

I woke up and saw Stoke and Jah fighting, it kind of irritated me and I didn't want to deal with it. I interrupted them just as Stokeley was about to hit Jahseh. "I'm fine, I said. Their heads snapped towards me. Jahseh tilted his head to the side and Stokeleys face softened. Stokeley ran to me and hugged me, I could barely breathe. I missed his hugs, when I would cry after mom would pass out and we had to take her to the bathroom and run cold water on her shoving our fingers down her throat to revive her he would always hug me for at least an hour and then I would sleep in his bed. I know it might sound weird that I was sleeping in the same bed as my brother but I needed it. I couldn't sleep when I was alone I've had really bad insomnia since the day I was born. I didn't sleep most nights but I could sleep in class so I didn't care. 

"What the fuck happened?! Stokeley asked interrupting my thoughts. Oh, I haven't been taking my meds I guess and I went a little crazy, I said. Stokeley sighed, thank you Jahseh, for bringing her here. I'm still mad at you but thank ful you did what you did. Jahseh dapped him up and they did some kind of handshake. Stoke seemed kind of iffy because of the situation with Jahseh but I could tell Stoke didn't want to stop being friends with him. 

Jahseh looked sleep deprived, bags under his eyes, and he was pulling his sleeve down. It was kind of cold in his room but it's 80 degrees outside. Jahseh was silent didn't even crack a smile, after what he told me about Geneva I understood, when your heartbroken there's nothing that changes that. "Come on Lani let's go home", Stoke said. Jahseh kind of frowned his eyes dropped and his body shifted to the left. I could tell he was mad that I was leaving but I needed time to myself, even though Jahseh was the only thing that made numb I needed to give myself some love. 

Jahseh POV:

As soon as they left I grabbed my razor blade and slid it across my wrist watching blood pour out. I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and dumped it on my wrist hissing in pain. I was cutting deeper everyday. Even though it hurt physically I felt nothing inside, I was numb. I took off my hoodie and put a bandage on my wrist, I looked in the mirror examining myself. I had abs and a nice body but I still felt ugly. I don't know why Jaylani ever kissed me, why would she want me when she could have anyone else. She had a fat ass she was pretty and she was smart, kind, and so many things I can't even begin to explain. I hated how I felt about her, it was so wrong. 

Either I wouldn't be enough and she'd get he heart broken or she'd break mine. I laid down and stared at my ceiling with low music in the back, my head filled with thoughts and I just decided to write them down. I wrote in my journal: she's been waiting in dark for a long time, as I was writing I got a call, it was Coolie. 

"Hey, bro what's up" he asked. Um, nothing much trying to write a song, I replied. Oh what a coincidence I was gonna ask if you wanted to come to this party and the studio after. Ya, sure I replied. My heart felt heavy but I needed to get out of the house and get things off my mind. I'll pick you up at 11:00 okay? He asked, mhm. I then hung up and went to my closet getting some shorts and a bomber jacket. I left it open and through on some huaraches. My chest was exposed and I had on some yellow shorts that came down to my ankles exposing the waist band of my Tommy Hilfiger boxers. I then heard a car honking meaning Coolie was outside, I grabbed my phone and my keys and ran down the stairs running out the door and locking it. Coolie had a Porsche from 2017, I mean he wasn't't irrelevant but he wasn't as popular as Ski and I. He had curly hair and his nose rings in, Coolie got lots of girls but he always wanted to do more than just fuck. Coolies been in toxic relationships and always gets attached. 

The party was at some big as mansion and I soon realized it was the fucking team 10 house. MY eyes widened and popped out of my head, Coolie laughed. Wh-what the fuck is this the team 10 house? I asked. Ha, used to be Jake moved a year ago, Coolie said. I was actually a little bummed I low-key wanted to meet Jake Paul. He was controversial and so was I, weirdly for the same thing. "Abusing our girlfriends." I know Jake didn't abuse Alissa and I didn't rape Geneva. If  I wanted pussy from her I could've asked, Geneva loved my dick and she knew that but the bitch still pressed charges which meant no more dagger for her, I bet she regrets her past decisions. Geneva's pussy was stretched out and stanky, I barely ever came so she never got pregnant, oh and also that hoe said I raped her when she was pregnant but she never was pregnant she lied about that.

I then saw a girl coming over to me and handing me a drink, She was white and had crusty ass makeup. She probably had a million STD's and heard about the young dagger dick. I took a sip not thinking anything, it was Henessey. I thought it was a little racist that she thought I would like Henessey when she has no idea who I am. I don't it makes my stomach hurt and I get really paranoid. I saw a very drunk Coolie walking towards me holding a vape. Y-You gotta try this bruh, he said burping in between each word. It's mango flavor, I snatched it away from him and took a hit. I used to smoke cigarettes but I quit because my voice started getting raspy and that shit only works for Stokeley I just sound like a retard. (I didn't mean it in that way I'm just saying that in the sentence - author)

I felt light headed and my stomach hurt, god fucking damnit Coolie what did you put in that vape. 

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