Chapter 31

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Eren P.O.V

"Sir, we are here to dress you for the day." Two voices said simultaneously as I woke up.

I yelped and scrambled backwards, nearly falling off the bed."Uh... what?" I asked, still breathing heavily from the scare. "We have come to help you get dressed." They repeated, and I smiled sheepishly.

"No, it's fine. I think I'll manage-" They suddenly appeared behind me. "Nonsense." They replied as I was dragged to the closet. I yelped as they took off my nightwear and started to ask me to step into dress pants, as they pulled on a shirt. I sweat dropped but did as I was told to get this over with.

It was a white dress pants that went to my feet(of course), and the white was light blue that had long sleeves and they wrapped a white cape around my shoulders.

I sighed as I was being drowned in the overly big cape and slipped on a pair of black shoes.

"Done." They said after they managed my hair, and I grimaced at how hard it was to walk without tripping on the cape, or getting it muddy. Then, before I could even get another word out, I was shoved out of my room and given a slip of paper.

I growled at the shut door before sighing in exasperation and looking down.

Sunrise - Eat breakfast with royal family

After - Etiquette lessons

Lunch - with royal family

After - Meet at Prince's study

Dinner - eat with royal family

Sunset - Come back to room

I sweatdropped at just how tiring all of this sounded, but I dreaded eating with the royal family the most. I barely had any etiquette, to begin with, so how was I supposed to make a good impression on them when I'm not even sure I can hold a fork right?

I grimaced before two guards were suddenly beside, making me yelp in surprise. "Your highness, we were assigned to assist you throughout your day." The one on the left said. I smiled and shook my hands in the air."No need for such formalities! Just call me Eren!" I exclaimed, and he nodded. "Of course your highness." He said, just as stern as before.

I frowned and sighed before standing up straight and popping my back. "Let's just get this over with."


I awkwardly stayed silent as the royal family conversed, and I watched the princess.

She seems so... empty... I wonder what's wrong with her...I couldn't help but see the gloom in her eyes as if she knew her future but hated every part of it.

I sighed as I stared at the food in front of me, my appetite suddenly reduced to nothing."Will you not eat?"I shot my head up and met the gaze of the king himself, and I got really shy real fast."I-I um... I'm not very hungry. Forgive me..." I spat out in a timid voice, my face aflame as the entire table's focus was now on me.

"No, that's quite alright." He said with a welcoming smile, and it made me wonder how such a horrible man can disguise himself so well.

Then I looked beside me, to see Levi just staring resolutely at his food, his gaze not even wavering. I bit my lip and sighed before staring at my food once more, wanting this to be over and done with.

I've been saying that a lot lately...


"No! No! No! You put your pinky under the cup so that you can avoid a harsh 'clink' sound!" Mr Molbit exclaimed as I set my cup down on the table for the fifth time.

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