Chapter 19

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Third Person P.O.V

The boy laid there, his Messy brown hair covered head laying on the pillow as he breathed in and out softly, with an air of peace and tranquillity surrounding him as he slept.

Unknown to him, a certain person just stared at his face as he dreamt as if trying to crack a code that had no answer. The man couldn't help but smile, which surprised even himself as he realized what the bright-eyed boy was doing to him.

He reminisced on how the boy would make his heart flutter, and how he would flush when he made adorable actions and said wise words. Without him realizing it, he just kept staring at his face, which was slightly squished on the pillow, and he sniffled a bit before lightly sneezing. He blushed at that too.

What's wrong with me?!

He thought to himself as he buried his face in his hands. Then he parted his fingers slightly to look at him again, and he was just as vulnerable looking as before. He then remembered the first day he met the boy.

The day he refused a direct order from him and he contemplated killing him. He was considering it even after their encounter, but something inside of him told him to wait. And now...

He stared at the boy once more before smiling....

I've never been so happy to be wrong in my life...

He thought as he shut his eyes, drifting off into sleep as he turned the dial on the oil lamp, darkness settling upon the cabin room. The only sounds were the ocean and the twos' soft breathing.


Eren P.O.V

I woke up with a small yawn, tired beyond belief for some reason, and I slowly stretched my back until I heard a satisfying set of pops. Then I swung my legs around and allowed my feet to hit the floor.

I smiled as I looked around, still on the ship, and then I looked over at Levi's king-size bed, which was empty. I frowned and seeped me hair form my eyes before grabbing my clothes and changing right there.

Thankfully, no one walked inside as I did so, making me sigh in relief, and I looked in the mirror. Because we were on a ship, I was allowed to wear whatever I wanted, but only if it was approved by Levi.

He just looked at the outfit in my hand when I showed him and nodded, but I thought it was nice. It was just black, skin-tight jeans with a green shirt under a leather jacket. The boots were designed for style and running, which made me ecstatic to finally be allowed to wear them again. They were just made of dark brown leather and had belt-like latches that held it tight to my legs, but the leather was loose fitted, allowing unconstricted movement.

I styled my messy brown hair the same as always and climbed up the ladder to get to the deck.

When I opened the door that led onto the deck, harsh winds immediately hit my face, but I appeared unaffected as my hair started blowing in the wind. I quickly shut the door behind me and looked around.

There were a few sailors talking as they fastened ropes and made sure we were going the right direction, to which I smiled at and they waved with friendly expressions. I found Levi hunkered over the railing at the back of the ship, and I stood next to him with my hands held behind my back."Do you like the view?" I asked, and he stiffened in surprise until he realized it was me. "I'm used to a sight like this, I'm just bored beyond compare." He replied, and I chuckled."I'm not the most entertained either." I said in response, and he nodded as we both just stared at the horizons side by side."Don't you have any books?" He asked, and I scoffed. "What? Do you just not want me here?" I asked in offence, and he shrugged. "Pretty much." He said, and I pouted.

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