Chapter 14

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Eren P.O.V

I heard the plop of the mashed potatoes hitting my tray as the maid clumped them on my plate, and I grimaced at their unnaturally yellow colour before bowing and walking over to my table.

I looked around the servant's dining hall for a moment before catching sight of Isabelle, Furlan, and Armin and walking over to them. When Isabelle noticed me, she gave me a wave and I smiled in return. I sat down next Armin with Furlan in front of me and Isabelle sitting on his left before Isabelle spoke."So, Armin tells me that he has some good news for us!" She stated as I started gnawing on my food like an animal, something they have gotten used to.

"What's up?" I murmured through my food, and Armin flushed red."W-Well, uh..." he mumbled, and Isabelle rolled her eyes. "C' mon gurl! Speak up!" She exclaimed in a playful manner.

Armin smiled at Isabelle before I nodded at him, and he started speaking, "Well, I was serving the prime witch of the kingdom, Mistress Rico and I guess she was surprised when I gave her all the materials she asked for without a mistake the first time." Isabelle looked at him in shock. "One time she asked me to grab her red sand and I accidentally brought her some random spice." Isabelle murmured while she drank soup."I brought her a normal, rusty rod instead of a "magic" rod." Furlan simply said before continuing to eat his food in silence.

I didn't feel like mentioning that I've never served her, and let Armin continue. "Then she asked me if I knew how to make a potion of healing, and I remembered how to do it, and I made it. Then she told me to dump it on myself if I was so sure it was correct, so I did, and the burn on my hand went away-" I cut him off. "How'd you get a burn?" I asked, and he chuckled. "W-Well, I accidentally poked a poker into the fire and set it down upside down. So when I went to grab it again, I burned my palm." He said with a nervous chuckle meanwhile Isabelle was giving him a 'really?' look, and I just shook my head with a smile on my face.

"A-Anyways, when King Kenny asked her to select her apprentices... I guess she liked me... so she chose me." He concluded, and I nearly exploded. "She chose you to be an apprentice?!" I exclaimed, and he nodded with a small smile.

"I'm so proud of my Little-Blonde-Coconut!" Izzy exclaimed as she bent over the table to hug Armin's small body, to which the blonde blushed at the nickname. "See! It works perfectly!" Isabelle exclaimed as she looked at Armin's small height and blonde coconut-like hair.

I laughed at Armin's flustered cheeks as Isabelle and her red ping tails sat back down. Furlan only shook his head with his face trained to the pages of a book he whipped out of nowhere. I grabbed the sides of my bowl and started to drink from it when Isabelle spoke. "So, what about you and the prince."

Well, there goes my soup.

I started choking on it and hacking up my lungs as Isabelle began laughing at me while Armin patted my back. "W-What do you mean?!" I exclaimed through coughs. "Well, I saw you two walking in the garden yesterday," she got close to my ear for this part "and I saw him give you his robe!" She whispered, and I just blankly stared at her. "So?" I said, still confused.

Isabelle only rolled her eyes and sighed. "Are you one of those servants that likes him?" She asked, making me nearly want to throw up, so I started fake gagging.

"Me? Like him? What was in your soup?!" I exclaimed as I looked in her bowl while Isabelle pushed my face back with the palm of her hand. "Normal food items. I'm not insane, just tell me if you like him! Don't worry it's not embarrassing, at least fifty other people do too." She said, and I sweat-dropped.

Gee thanks- WAIT WHY DO I CARE?!

I rapidly shook my head with a flustered face and Isabelle shot up with a finger pointed at me. "See?! He's fighting it! See Furlan?! I told you!" She exclaimed, making me flush a deeper shade of red. "I can see, Izzy," Furlan said before going right back to his book. Armin just giggled and I turned to look at him. "You make it kind of obvious." He said, and I struggled for words.

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