Chapter 22

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Eren P.O.V

With aching arms, I set down the seventh bag in Levi's room before popping my back. "Geez, this guy needs to chill with his beauty products," I muttered as the door opened, a woman's giggle filling the once silent room.

I quickly whipped around and bowed to the princess, Levi walking in side by side with her."Oh, Levi! You're hilarious!" She said, hugging his arm even closer to her body. Levi seemed quite agitated but managed to keep a cool demeanour as he spoke."Why thank you, your highness. I'm sad to say but I have reached my room." He said as he slowly unravelled his arm from her grasp.

She playfully pouted but her childish expression immediately vanished as she saw me."Oh. It's here." She said, her mood becoming quite dull."Yes. I asked Eren to carry my bags to my room." He said, discretely defending me, and that made me smile on the inside."Might I ask why he was brought here? We have a wide variety of servants already. I see no need for such a person to be brought along with someone as esteemed as yourself." She said as she put her hands on her hips to emphasize her sass.

Levi quickly cleared his throat, whether it was from a stuffy throat or annoyance, I wasn't sure, but I hoped it was the latter. "I mean no offence by this next statement, but I trust my own servants more than ones from a completely different country. Forgive me if this offends you in any way, I sincerely apologize if that is the case." Levi said, his expression cold and stern. The princess gave him a sweet smile before nodding. "Of course. Allow me to take him to his room." She said, and Levi froze a little. He turned to me, and I slightly nodded. "Thank you, your highness." He said as he motioned for me to follow her.

I did so with hesitance, but her smile seemed so promising and trustworthy.

Just like a black widow or a Venus flytrap.

I internally shuddered as we walked down the hallway. We walked for about thirty yards or so before she looked around as if trying to see any witnesses. I was correct as she whipped around to look at me. "So. What is your connection with prince Levi?" She asked, accusation tied with her words.

I faltered and my face reddened. "H-He is my master." I quickly muttered. "Do not mumble around me! Give me a clear answer." She demanded, and I quickly straightened my back. "He is my master." I assertively said, knowing that it was a fake tone. She furrowed her eyebrows and stared into my eyes as she looked me up and down. Then she walked around me and observed my body. I was frozen in shock as she studied my reaction, and then she placed a hand on the side of my face."I was lying earlier. Your complexion is much too beautiful for that of a commoner." She said with a smile, and I froze.

Did she just compliment me-

But then she raised her arm back and brought it down on my face. A loud slap echoed around the hallway as I processed what just happened.

My face burned from the sudden impact, and my face started pulsating with pain as I soothed it after the slap.

After regaining my balance from stumbling, I looked up at her, fear evident in my eyes. She was just smiling."Tell anyone about this, and you will regret it swine." Then she snapped her fingers. A male servant quickly walked down the hall."Take him to his room. You know where that is." She said as she started walking away, her handprint imprinting a bright red spot on my cheek.

The servant nodded and bowed his head before motioning for me to follow him."My bags-" the princess cut me off. "I'll take good care of them." She said with a smile before vanishing around the corner.

I felt tears well up in my eyes but I quickly shook my head as I cradled my cheek."I'm sorry." The man mumbled and I turned to look at him. "She is very used to getting what she wants, so when something or someone threatens to take something she feels she deserves, she tends to take drastic measures to achieve her goals. You're not the first person she's ever threatened with violence, so I'm quite honestly not that surprised. Yet, I hope your cheek heals." He finished as he motioned towards a door.

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