Chapter 13

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Eren P.O.V

I woke up in a cold sweat, my breathing ragged and frantic as I took in my surroundings. Schalk bounded from off of my chair and ran to the bed before jumping on the comforter and running towards me.

He jumped on my lap and started licking my face in a protective manner as if trying to give me closure in the action. Surprisingly, I felt more relaxed as he wiped slobber on my face.

Let's add that to the list of; 'Things I Never Thought I Would Say'.

I smiled at my thoughts, and that helped calm my erratic heartbeat and ridiculous breathing patterns. When I finally calmed myself down, I swung my legs around and set them down on the floor. Before I stood, I looked down at my wrist.

Even though it was just a dream, I swear she could've given me a bruise with how hard she clutched my hand.

It was blank.

Just it's normal, tanned colour. I sighed and slowly walked to the bathroom to make myself look presentable.

When I got there, I quickly tamed my hair to make it look somewhat appropriate and straightened out my outfit. It was normal until I noticed the bruise on my neck. I stared at it longer than necessary before shifting my collar to cover it up.

With finger guns and a wink to the reflection, I ran out of the room to get to Levi's study, hoping that I wasn't late.


When I arrived at his study, I knocked on the door before hearing him call out, "Come in." I quickly shuffled into the room to see him staring intently at the books in his bookshelf before quickly reaching towards a certain book and grabbing it. Then he flipped to a certain page before walking back towards his desk, not once looking up from the book.

I awkwardly stood there staring at him before he pointed to the chair beside me. I turned my head to look at what he was pointing at and saw a slip of paper. I picked it up and read it.

- Bring meals

- Leave alone until instructed otherwise

He must be busy today. I nodded and bowed before turning around to grab his breakfast. I walked out into the hallway before leaving for the kitchen, my feet clicking and clacking against the hardwood floor.

When I got there, a tray was waiting on the island for me. It was Levi's breakfast so I picked it up, careful not to spill the water in the pitcher, and bowed to the maids inside before making my way back to Levi's study.

When I got there, he was still heavily invested in his book, so I quietly set the tray down and poured the water in his cup. I bowed and was about to turn around to leave when I heard a small, "Wait." I turned around, and he was looking at me. "I have some more tasks I need you to carry out." He said as he pointed to a piece of paper on his desk.

I looked over at where his finger pointed and picked it up.

-Dust shelves

- Wipe windows

- Sweep floor

- Mop floor

- Do laundry

- Replace candles and torches in the room

- Bring in needed supplies

- Organize shelf

I stared at the list for a moment, my mouth slightly agape before I spoke."I'm going to die." I mumbled under my breath, and I heard Levi chuckle. "That would be a shame." He replied, his eyes never leaving the book. "Aw, you care!" I exclaimed, and he chuckled. "But not enough to give me a break." I finished as I looked back at the list, making me pout.

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