It was incredibly cold when we got out on the deck, but a Stohess guard that was passing out coats quickly handed me one. I smiled at him and wrapped it around myself.

As Levi and I walked onto the docks a Hanji stopped us. She now had cat ears and a tail.

They're all adorable!

I internally cooed as she handed me a bottle. "Drink up kiddos!" She practically squealed. Inside was a greenish-yellow liquid that looked a lot like jelly. I grimaced as she handed one to Levi, and he gulped it down almost immediately.

I shrugged and followed in suit. Surprisingly it didn't taste horrible and it tasted more like sugar and coffee. I made a 'hm' sound as I finished the bottle, and then I turned around.

Cue fainting.

Levi was adjusting to his ears and tail, and he started by tugging on the points of his midnight black ears. His tail curved and bent in curiosity as Levi struggled to get used to the feeling of cat ears and a tail, but all I could feel was my cheek's blazing colour, the sudden increase of temperature, and my pounding heartbeat.

I quickly calmed myself, relieved that it wasn't noticed by anyone, well except Hanji who was staring at me with a crazed look in her eyes and wiped my four head on a handkerchief I kept with me before shoving it back in my pocket.

I didn't feel any different, so I turned around again. We just stared at each other for a moment before I felt a tingle on my head and on the lower part of my back. It tingled, and I struggled to not giggle at the sensation before I heard a faint 'pop'.

I looked around in confusion before something tickled my back. I took off my cloak and tugged on the rope.


I yelped in surprise as it felt like I had just violently tugged on a limb but it was actually my newfound tail. I touched the top of my head, and my new ears shot up in surprise.

My tail was the same colour as my hair, a brown colour, and I assumed my ears were the same as well.

Levi stared at me for a moment before he seemed to process something and his face went red.

Like, really, really, really, red.

Then I watched in utter shock as sweat started following down his head."Your highness! Are you alright?!" I exclaimed in concern, and he quickly wiped off the beads of sweat with his handkerchief."I-I'm fine!" He replied as more swart trickled down his face.

I sweatdropped as he continued to wipe it on the already soaked handkerchief until I gave him mine. "Thanks" he took it hastily. "Go ahead and get to the carriage. I'll be fine." He said, and I quickly nodded as I left, twirling my new tail in my fingers as I walked.


I waited in the carriage for about ten minutes, my tail wiggling adorably the whole time until the door opened and Levi stepped inside. I had to hold in my squeals as I looked at his ears and tail again, and I resolutely stared into the pages of my book.

Then I thought of an idea and manoeuvred my tail around so it was in front of my face and then set my book on the top of it. I made it curl around the bottom of the book and chuckled as it held the book in the air for me.

I started reading with this system until my tail got tired and it was back to using my hands. The whole time, my ears would twitch at every little sound, and I couldn't help but scratch them and giggle at the sensation.

Then I watched Levi's face get slightly red, and I frowned. He's probably getting a fever or something...

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, and he quickly snapped out of his daze before nodding. I smiled before bookmarking my page and looking out the window." Stohess is beautiful." I said as we rode on the side of a cliff, the ocean beaming suntans through the window and forests and beaches marking the coastline with beautiful plants and vibrant flowers."You get used to it." Levi simply stated, and I scoffed. "How is that even possible?!" I cried out, my eyes glistening in wonder.

My tail started to wiggle in excitement as I stared out the window, my mouth agape as I looked at the incredible scenery."It's beautiful..." I muttered, but my jaw somehow dropped even lower as the castle came into view.

It had dozens of looming towers surrounding a main structure in the middle; each tower had vines and plants and other assortments of flowers trickling down the sides and open windows as well as pointed tops that seemed like they were made of pure gold as they glimmered in the sunlight. A moat surrounded the entire thing, and the water was a beautiful clear blue, a drawbridge laying across it for the carriage to trek across.

"This is incredible," I whispered, and Levi nodded. "They definitely knew what they were doing when they designed this place." Levi agreed, and I couldn't help my smile. Then a footman opened the door for us.

Levi stepped out first, his hands in the pockets of his robe, and the coachman politely held out his hand for me to hold as I stepped out. I did so with a smile, to which he returned before I stepped out.

Then he shut the door and held onto the back of the carriage as it rode away."Your highness." I heard Levi say, and my heart stopped beating. The King of Stohess...I felt my face heat up and I quickly bowed.

Then I noticed a long pink skirt beside the king, and I shifted my gaze upwards. There was a girl; she had long, beautifully groomed black hair that was tied into two loose ponytails and a gorgeously sculpted face. She was a goddess in human form, with a perfect body and smile, not to mention the honey-brown eyes that pierced Levi as she studied him.

But what caught my eye the most was the glimmering tiara that rested above her perfectly cut bangs. The only colour was grey and white, with swirls of metal framing transparent or white jewels inside, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that she was a princess.

"Is this him, daddy?" She asked as she looked at the king. He nodded."Yes, darling; this is the prince and kings's nephew of Shiganshina." He stated as he respectfully bowed to Levi.

The princess curtsied, her jewellery jingling as she moved her body."Pleasure to meet you, your highness." Levi said as he gently touched her hand and grazed a kiss on her knuckles. For some reason, I felt my stomach twisting into knots at the action, but I quickly shook it off.

"You're just as charming as daddy said!" She exclaimed as she giggled before hugging the king's arm.

Daddy's girl...

I shrugged but stayed in my bowing position as the three conversed. It was mostly Levi and the king quickly catching up in a very respectful manner, and the princess throwing in flirty comments every now and then.

Her father didn't seem at all shocked at her actions, signifying that this was no irregular occurrence."Who's he?" The princess cut in out of nowhere as Levi and the king had been talking about the struggles of trials because of how boring they were to sit through.

It was quiet for a moment and I realized they were talking about me. I quietly stood up with a straight back, my face a flustered mess and I curtsied." E-Eren, servant of the Shiganshina royal family." I stuttered out, careful not to face plant because of my terrible balance. I quickly readjusted my hair as I intertwined my fingers in front of my body in a respectful manner. Then the princess spoke."He doesn't look like much..."I froze and felt my anger start to boil.

I quickly suppressed it and pretended like it didn't affect me. Then the king bent down to her ear, and with a very loud whisper, said, "Darling, its best not to insult someone else's property." That made me clench my hands even harder. "I know daddy, but just look at him! He has the complexion of a commoner in poverty!" I bit my tongue to hold in my rainbow of curse words before the sound of someone clearing their throat was heard.

I'll have you know I'm naturally tanned, spoilt brat. Is what I wanted to say but best not.

"Shall we continue with this meeting inside?" Levi asked, pure annoyance in his tone. The king nodded with a mask of a smile. "What a splendid idea."As they walked inside, the princess hooked arms with Levi before they bounded up the steps and walked inside, not before leaving me with a mountain of bags to carry to Levi's room.

Right before the trio stepped inside, the princess turned to look at me. A scowl covering her features as she examined me one more time. Then she smirked and stuck her tongue out. The door slammed shut before I could even blink.

This isn't good...


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