Chapter 20

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Hello! (: I know this took forever but school is so hectic! Not to mention that i had a ton of stuff on mind......namely this dude but whatever so not important right now ! So here you go ! (:  ENJOY!





-Jackie’s Pov-

I need to get out of here quick! My mind and heart shouted at me, it was unbelievable how they were flirting. Shameful! Right in front of me and Tyler! No wonder Tyler didn’t want to go out with her if she behaved like this! I winced at the last statement, no that wasn’t me… well I hope that wasn’t me.

 I just couldn’t deal with the pounding of my heart against my rib cage, it was painful. Almost as painful as being jealous of Courtney. I never had been the jealous type but then again I had never been in love.

I winced at that too I didn’t want to admit…. Well not yet that I loved that ass. ‘He is not being an ass to Courtney’ my mind whispered and it was right, actually he was being really charming and nice and, and totally opposite of how he was with me.

My mood got worse with the amount of chatter that was going on in my head, I needed some space. “Excuse me” I said to everyone as I headed to the bathroom, actually it was more like sprinting to the restroom, yupp I took the cowardly way out of being there, but hey whatever I was out of there.

When I got to the bathroom I rested my back against the sink of the bathroom and just breathed in and out. I turned around and looked at that lonely person in the mirror, ‘I should have just kissed him in the ring or even in the taxi car and then I wouldn’t have to be feeling like this’.

I washed my face with the water from the facet and breathed in and out and walk out of there promising myself that I wouldn’t make more of a show for them to watch. I must have been thinking too much about it because I ran into someone who felt familiar. I looked up to apologized and found out why he felt so familiar. It was Adam, he was chuckling “doesn’t this seem to be the way to greet people now a days? I like this better so then you can have something to discuss next time you meet them” he kept on chuckling and I grinned, sue me!

I couldn’t help it; he was really funny why didn’t I notice before? Must have been too busy shooting him death glares all the time, note to self don’t judge a book by its cover! For example Dan, I rolled my eyes when I thoughts brought that poor excuse of a human being that my brain brought up.

“Where were you going? “ I asked him when we were just staring at each other. He looked at me and smiled, just a slight smile and my heart was going on overdrive, gosh this is so sucky! I could feel my face heating up at his smile, I can’t even have a normal interaction with him cause every time I felt like it was just me and him and no ne else, the whole world exploded into a mass heating oven because I felt the sizzling heat between us.

It was so big that I was sure that I could grab it, a sexual tension that hasn’t been released, it had been waiting for us to be alone so it can finally explode into a mass of sexual tension. He leaned in and I closed my eyes instantly and I felt the tiniest of contact and my lips burned.

His lips got hot and wet against mine then, and I would have collapsed if he hadn’t held me up, finally my hands couldn’t stay at my side, I pushed against him too and we were sucked to the wall.

His lips were like sweet nectar and I couldn’t get enough of it, I was pretty much just sucking his face and I loved it. I was exploring his mouth while he did the same to me, I couldn’t even form a coherent sentence if I wanted to. Adams lips could be used as a weapon to women everywhere; they were just so lush that that I wanted to be kissing him all day long.

Both of us were breathing hard and ruff and didn’t really care, we were in our own little world……..until I heard Courtney yell for me. I almost didn’t recognize her voice in the fog but finally I did. I wrenched myself out of Adams arms and tried to fix myself while she rounded the corner. Adam now awake from the dream land we were in just a second ago ran to the men’s bathroom and shut the door as Courtney was in sight.

“Where have you been? What took you so long? I was stuck with Tyler for like 10 minutes, it’s so awkward!” she looked like she was just above herself on what to do, she looked all panicky, so I quickly came to the rescue. “You don’t have to worry about anything I got you” I said as we headed for the table together, Tyler was staring out the window when we came back he looked solemn as if he knew all the deaths that were going to happen that year and couldn’t stop them.

When we approached he smiled a little sad smile “How was your trip to the bathroom?” he questioned and I giggled nervously…..pretty darn amazing I thought.


what do you guys think!? Ohhhhh! and they finally kissed !!! whos exited to see what happends next?????!    :D


Boxing my way into your heartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz