Chapter 26

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Hey guys! Did I upload fast enough? I hope so! This chapter was fun to write, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did (: Tell me what your predictions are for this story, I want to know what you guys think. Since you guys are my audience I would like your thoughts, which are important because I love you guys! (: Well without more rambling from me ENJOY! (:



                *Jackie’s Pov*

I watched still embarrassed as he walked away. I was watching his cute ass. Damn was all I could think, I couldn’t wait till I got to grab his ass and smack it. Okay I’m getting a little hot. I sighed and went to sit on the couch. “Ugh!” I groaned and started running my hands through my hair, probably making it more fucked up than usual. I closed my eyes.

What am I going to do about dad and his championship title? No doubt the gym needs it. My dad needs it. I laughed; he’s got me thinking that I need it too. If Dan’s in jail he won’t even be an option. ‘What about Adam?’ My head snapped up at the thought, I started thinking about the time we fought, it seems like a long time ago but it wasn’t really. Now thinking back on it I don’t understand why I didn’t see that Adam had good potential.

His jabs were hard; he had good intuition about his partner’s next move. I can tell he would have been a good fighter if only I wasn’t a girl, what is it about fighting a girl that sets guys fighting on defense? I smirked remembering how mad he got when I hit him. Actually now thinking back on it he had a lot of opportunities to hit me, so why didn’t he? Did he let me beat him up? That thought pissed me off so I let it go, I could only deal with so much at a time and now is not the time to think about it. As if god heard my thoughts, which he might have I don’t know, a bellhop appeared at my door.

He was looking at the door uncertainly; he grimaced, but knocked hesitantly. I looked at him; he smiled a little sheepishly now knowing I had been watching him examine the door. “Um, you’re key Ma’am?” he phrased it as a question to which I stood up and crossed the floor until I was in front of him.

I held my hand out, he dropped it in and I smiled “Thanks” He tipped his hat and scurried off, which I really do mean scurry off like a like mouse. I could tell he didn’t like to be put on the spot. I smiled knowing he was a shy little guy, I’ve seen him a couple of times but we didn’t talk. That was strange, I talked to all the staff, and I frowned at the thought. It will be my mission to talk to him. I nodded pleased with my mission.

I looked at the key the guy brought and I examined it. It was an actual key not the plastic keys that you usually get, how strange. It was silvery, probably not real of course the hotel wouldn’t spend that much money keys, it was probably zinc or something. I shrugged it off and I put my hands on my hips “Well time to pack up, I guess”

It was strange hearing only my voice in the silence and as it slowly echoed out, I wanted to go to sleep because suddenly I realized why this sucked. I had to pack! Gosh I hate packing, it’s so tedious and I can’t even blast my music my fucking door was missing. Fuck! It took a long time to pack especially since I was dragging my feet to do it. You can get quite good at taking forever to do something you don’t want to do. Especially if it was only suppose to take an hour to do it and it took you three.

I looked at the engraivement in the key, it was labeled 1600, wow I didn’t know there was a room that high up, mine was just 123. Oh well I guess, I got in the elevator and pressed the top floor because really that’s the only possible way for they're to be a room 1600, right?

I rode the elevator in silence, goodness I hate these things they are so awkward and I’m by myself. I can’t imagine riding this with anyone who had a pulse or even the undead because we would just be twiddling our thumbs. That is if he or she doesn’t eat me first. Hell I would eat myself if I was a zombie riding this elevator with a person with a pulse. The elevator beeped to signal I had arrived.

Thank goodness I can get out now! I was about to chew off my leg in there, I grabbed all my stuff which was about two arms full and hauled it to the hallway not wanting the stupid thing to close on me. I sighed and looked up for the first time since the elevator and gasped.

You know how Dorothy wakes up in the emerald city all stupefied at how nice it is? Yeah well this was a far much better place because this place was actually real! Beautiful chandeliers were covering the top of the hallway, which by the way doesn’t look like the hallway which I stay in.

It was like a huge red carpet, which looked like I could eat off of it unless you didn’t want to get carpet hair in my food but whatever. The rooms, which were only four took up this entire floor, my floor had like twenty rooms and didn’t look half as nice as these.

The doors were real wooden doors not the kind of door on the rooms downstairs. Even the numbers on the door looked expensive; they were real gold which was pretty freaking crazy to begin with. I looked at the room key and realized it had to be real silver, oh my freaking god.

I shook my head irritated with myself; I was behaving like I was in Disney land, which I bet would have made my new hall mates laugh. They were obviously used to it, and I wasn’t. I exhaled loudly getting myself under control, barely and grabbed all the junk and hauled it over to the door marked 1600 and put the key in the hole.

‘Here goes nothing’ I thought and turned the knob. My eyes went as wide as saucers when I saw what I was going to live in while Adam ‘fixed my door’ and I couldn’t believe it.

I was defiantly in Disney fucking Land.

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