Chapter 13

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Thanks so much guys for reading my story! You guys are all awesome soo i decided to give you more since you like the story so far! (: Im also working on a new story that i think would be pretty good tell me what you think: Girl who used to be a nerd start to read articles in the magazines and dating books suddenly becomes a girl who is shallow and is fake, but she isnt really that way she just wants to find her prince charming but the only way she knows how to make guys like is her is pretending that she is the perfect woman and not allowing herself to show them her true self, so when she finally finds a guy who is mr perfect he doesnt want her because he saids she is fake, what do you think will happen?



P.S: this chap has more on courtney since its her POV, you will see that adam and her are the same in a few ways! (: hope you guys like it!

P.P.S: CHECK OUT COURTNEY ------------------------------------------------>


- (Courtney’s POV) -

         I looked at Adam in the face and was scared, what did this mean for me? Did it mean he would have his way with me for a time till he grew tired with me like Jackie (Jacqueline) said? Or is it going to be serious? I couldn’t handle anymore heart break. No not anymore, I liked Adam a lot but I didn’t love him I knew that much, but I could learn to love him. I had to, not that he was a bad person, I could tell that right away by the way he was always friendly to everyone, the way he smiled and just him in general. I knew that I could fall for him if I tried. My heart throbbed in protest but I didn’t listen knowing the name it whispered to me, it was too familiar for my taste, I wished my stupid heart would just love Adam instead but it was something I could control.

      No matter how much I wished I could. We had been staring at each other for a while; I could tell he was making a decision, the sentence, and the course of my fate. His eyes tightened but then relaxed, he was done thinking, he took a breath from him perfectly delicious lips and breathed out again. He sighed and I went rigid, he was going to tell me this was a mistake, I braced myself for the impact, for the blow. I closed my eyes yet it didn’t come, I felt his chest rumble and I took a peek at his face. He was laughing! He was laughing at me; I slapped his chest “don’t laugh at me!” I told him angry that he was laughing at me.

      What is his deal!? He kept laughing but he was trying to hide it by coughing, it didn’t work of course but it made me feel better, I gave him a small smile. He stopped at last and when he looked me dead in the eye his eyes were tender “you are so cute” he said in a way that made my unwilling heart skip a beat. Yes, I could learn to love him, he was so amazing. No one had ever said those words to me, not even the man I was in love with. I didn’t consider myself cute, I was ordinary, the blond hair really made me feel like I should be dumber with all the blonde jokes I get. I frowned at his comment wondering if he was lying or not and as if reading my thoughts he said “im not lying your expressions are the cutest I have ever seen on a woman” he cupped my face and skimmed his nose on my jaw bone, my breathing turned raspy.

        He was good at seduction which made me wonder what else he was good at; I was already losing my train of thought by that simple action. Why could I just love this man? It would make it so simple! Uh sometimes you aren’t so nice, I thought to the man upstairs. “You know im not playing you right” he then asked me pulling his face away so that he could look at my face, watching my reaction probably. I looked at his eyes no longer playful but they were serious something I have never seen them be, so I knew he was telling the truth. I nodded not trusting my voice to not crack since I was being pulled into him as if by gravity. Suddenly we were kissing it was heated and jam packed with emotions I could probably sit here in name for like an hour and still I wouldn’t get it right. I didn’t know what to do, I was confused. I knew I loved that other guy but kissing Adam was like lighting a spark in the dark of a cave it made sense to do.

     It didn’t feel wrong to me, even my heart begrudgingly gave in, but it wasn’t too pleased to do so. So I was naturally confused on what to do, sometimes I wished that love had a manual, that you could just look up what to do in the books and it would tell you the answer. But the man upstairs wasn’t so accommodating in that department saying that we should figure it for ourselves and all that but I just wished he would give me some answers. Not the silent type but the kind that shows me the way, I wonder if he got a phone, and if the does then im going to defiantly call this fellow up and ask him what the deal is by putting me in front of two fine guys and with no manual.

    Adam parting our lips stopped my inner babble of thoughts; his forehead was on mine, both of our breathing raged. His sweet breath of cinnamon made him my high; I was pretty much floating on cloud nine. “We should leave the office before someone finds us” he told me as he dragged me off his lap and placed my feet on the floor as if I weighed nothing, when in fact I weighed a lot. He got to his feet slowly almost painfully, but then I remembered why we were in here in the first place. I physically slapped my forehead, of course how could I forget! ‘You were horny’ my brain answered my rhetorical question. ‘Thanks’ I sarcastically answered it, I heard a laugh. I pulled my hand away and saw that Adam was yet again laughing at me; he always seemed to be doing that. I wasn’t that funny I grumbled inwardly to myself as I glared at him and stomped away mad at him, yet again.

    This boy has my emotions going haywire I thought as I felt him grab my hand easily and pull me to his still naked chest; we were at the entrance of the office now. “Im sorry it’s just that you were so cute” he told me still chuckling to himself but it seemed to be dying down. “well im glad I provided you entertainment” I muttered dryly he just shook his head and said “sorry I didn’t mean it that way, so since you took it like that would you mind if I make up for it?” he asked me lowly almost shyly, aww he was so cute! ‘And fine don’t forget fine’ my brain told me, I sighed of course he was fine that was a given.

    My heart in turn of his words skipped a beat “yeah, I’d like that” I told him hesitantly almost wondering what he was planning. “great would you mind if I got your number since I would like to call you to ask you were you live and stuff like that” he grinned down at me since he was about like a half a foot taller than me, not that I mind, I liked tall guys. I laughed and told him my number, he wrote in down on post it not he found on Jackie’s dad’s desk. After he had gotten it he looked at it and smiled a bit, showing his pearly straight white teeth.

     He must have had like five years of braces for them to come out so straight I thought vaguely as he leaned down and pecked my lips to his. He smiled at me again, this time wider than the last. “I will defiantly call you” he told me still smiling, his smile was like a disease, except it was the good kind. Is there even good diseases? I wondered as he walked off without another word, but then I knew that there must be because I caught it. I shook my head smiling like a mad person; I wondered why my face hadn’t split in two by how wide my smile was.

     I shook my head once more, what had I gotten myself into? I thought as I walked outside to meet the sun kissed sky heading to my black and red 2012 mustang ford.





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