Chapter 19

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Hello felow internet people! (: What up?? (: I know its been a while but im glad that my story is getting alor of reads, although not too many votes, im still going to continues though because i personally love this story its so cute! (: So anyways could some of you like my story s that i know that this story is going good so far? (:

Thanks alot ! (:

p.s: A pic of Matt Bomer as Tyler !  {SO SEXI! }

-Writer (:


(Courtney’s Pov)

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh this cannot be happening I chanted in my head as we neared the table where he was sitting at. I could kill Adam! He did not tell me we were meeting him here! If I knew I would I look nicer…. what am I thinking!

Of course not! I wouldn’t try harder to look better for the guy who told me he wanted to be friends with benefits better than to ever date me. I looked at everywhere but him, I couldn’t even though I knew he would look gorgeous as always.

I sighed quietly not wanting to bring attention to myself, even though I knew he wasn’t looking at me, why would he when he rejected me. We finally were in front of the table and I had to look his way at least once because I seriously didn’t want Adam asking why I was being rude. Finally regaining my courage

I looked at him and was surprised that he was already looking my way, I frowned but held my chin up. I wanted to show him that when the tough got going I was already at the finish line. He looked at me with so much intensity that I knew that pretending to like Adam, no matter how good his kisses were it was completely useless!

He was no match for what I felt for Tyler. It’s like I was just asking to be rejected again or worse called an ugly crazy lady. It’s just that when I looked at him I swear I was on the floor melting into his lush blue hypnotizing eyes.

I sighed again and steeled myself, think about Adam and how tasty his cinnamon kisses are! At that moment Adam nudged me and I realized that I was off at my own world; I blushed and covered my face. Adam laughed and took my hands off my face and kissed them, I blushed redder he was so handsome all I wanted to do was kiss him but I wanted Tyler more.

He smirked seeing my eyes travel down to his lips, he flashed me a smile and winked ‘later’ he mouthed. I grinned and sat down next to him with Jackie sitting in front of me. Something was off about Jackie she didn’t have a smile on her face as usual, she was grimacing and I couldn’t help but be concerned.

I was about to ask her when the waitress came to take our drinks. I ordered the Pepsi since I was a Pepsi fanatic! When she left we just did little chit-chat, well mostly Adam and me, the other two were not as talkative, but whatever I was in a slightly better mood than before so I didn’t think about it much.

An image popped in my head of when Adam came to get us, it was the moment that Adam and Jackie looked at each other, I don’t know something about the scene made me suspicious…. Oh my god I got it!

They hate each other! The intensity of their faces and how they kept looking at each other as if wanting the other to back off was what I didn’t see at that point.

I hung my head, oh no, I forced them to come. ‘I didn’t know!’ I replied to myself in my head of course because if I said it out loud I would be laughed at! Duh!

I heard a chuckle come from the person next to me who was Mr. Adam of course, he was laughing at me! I shot a mean glare at him and stuck my tongue out, yeah I know childish but hey deal with it cause it’s me!

He chuckled again and whispered in my ear “you should put that tongue away before I do something useful with it” I blushed scarlet red, that jerk! I laughed but shot him a wink and whispered “why don’t you?”

Yeah I know I was flirting but whatever Tyler didn’t want me so what’s the point in trying to talk to him, it’s better to talk with Adam, much safer.

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