Chapter 14

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Sorry my upload was so late! I have been super swamped with stuff to do Sorry again! LOL i know its been a while but i got around to it! Isnt that great?! (: Anywhoo! I want to thank all of you who are reading this! U made it this far so i think you should stick around a lil bit longer! Cause im done with school for the next 2 months soo yahooo! ( does the happy dance! ) I be glad to inform you that these uploads with happen more often! Isnt that great?





-          Jackie’s ( POV)   -

The car ride to the place where they were having lunch was slow and painful; it seemed like they couldn’t get there fast enough. She was so sick of Dan and his talking; he had been talking the whole way since she wasn’t contributing much to the conversation, he took it upon himself to talk for her. He was good at talking so she let him, but by the time they got to the place where they would be eating she wanted to throw herself at a moving truck. It would be less painful than pretending to be normal with Dan. Finally he stopped the car, opened his door and went around to her door only to see that she was already out. She didn’t want him to pretend to be gentleman when he was everything but. He pursed his lips but didn’t say anything else. He crossed the space between them took her arm in his but none to gently might I add. He was smiling as he looked at her with those clear light green eyes that were filled with malice. Jacqueline felt fear  for once in her life for the man she once thought would never cause her physical harm not to mention look at her like that, she watched as he lowered himself to whisper in her ear “be careful of what you do, anything could make me go running into the arms of the competition.” He added a small smirk and retreated  when she lowered her head “now be a good girl and behave” he tugged on her arm once more like a master would to a unmoving dog and she as the well trained dog followed his command. They entered the place; it was nice but not so nice that her clothes would appear odd. The hostess came to show them to the table all the while just talking to Dan, the girl was about 16 or 17 and appeared to have taken an interest in Dan. She smiled a hopeless smile to herself, and thought that she had been the same way meeting him, and now his arm on hers raised the hairs on her arm. Dan tugged her arm, gesturing for her to sit on the seat he held out to her. So she sat awaiting the moment when someone would notice that Dan wasn’t what he was cracked up to be, but of course they wouldn’t. They were under his charm, just as she was. He sat as well. By the time he got settled in the waitress was at the table she was around 17 just like the other one and by the looks of it she didn’t seem surprised to see how handsome Dan was. Actually she looked like she expected him to be, the other girl must have told her about him. The waitress was pretty she had to admit and had developed nicely, if you know what I mean. She flashed Dan a flirty smile and then proceeded to open a button on her work shirt so it showed her nicely formed boobs and getting slightly closer to Dan whispered something in his ear. Dan nodded and slipped something in her boobs. She smiled and didn’t protest Dan looking down the shirt and winking at her. She giggled and Jacqueline wanted to punch her but not because she was flirting with the prick but because she was right here to witness it. Couldn’t they be any more obvious? Apparently they didn’t care, but she did, she already lost her appetite for any food she was hoping to eat, if she ate now it would come back up. She cleared her throat and Dan as well as their waitress looked at her as if suddenly realizing that she was here, she rolled her eyes “as nice as it is looking at both you flirt, why don’t you tell me Dan what you want to say” she looked at him coldly and he smiled a wicked little smile. “Why kitten are you jealous? Because you know you are the only one for me” he winked taunting her, oh how she wanted to punch this man, he was throwing in her face how he slept with her former best friend. She felt her hand clench into a fist under the table ready to punch him. Her voice was clipped when she spoke “Don’t be stupid” that wiped the smile off his face, he glared at her. The waitress put up her hands “well if you guys need me I will be waiting to take your order” with that she left, probably going to tell one of her friends on staff about Dan and his jealous girlfriend. Jacqueline found she didn’t care as much as Dan clearly did “why did you go and do that, now we will be the subject of kitchen talk” he turned his nose up in disgust as if he didn’t even want his precious name to be rolling through those waitresses tongues. She rolled her eyes once more, ‘he would sleep with them but he didn’t want them to usher his name, what an ass’ she thought to herself knowing she would pay dearly for that comment had she said it out loud. Instead she said “why did you want to have this lunch Dan, since this isn’t just an apology lunch and you know it.” He smiled a very cruel smile “very well since you know. I just wanted to remind you that your daddy would be up to his neck in debts if not for me winning him money. So don’t you think that now that just because there is a new guy is in your gym you can get rid of me easily by seducing him into winning your daddy some fights. Because you can’t he would never be better than me and your daddy knows it” He grabbed her hand that was on top of the table and held it in a vine-like-grasp, she struggled and he applied more pressure so she stopped and just looked at him. His face was flushed with anger “I'm tired of pretending to be the good guy in front of you Jackie and I won’t do it anymore. The only reason I stuck around your stupid daddy’s shit hole is because I wanted to sleep with you, yeah that's right, me the one your daddy picked for you wanted to have you under the sheets, shrieking my name. But that hasn’t worked out has it?! It’s been 5 months! And you haven’t slept with me yet, but let me a sure you." his voice dropped lower as he whispered in her ear "I will sleep with you even if I have to take matters into my own hands, something I should have done 4 months ago. Instead of waiting around and being the best god damn boyfriend you have had. So be prepared” he stood and walked around to the other side to lick her ear and left her shocked and a little more than disgusted .But she was reeling with what he had said. Did he mean it when he said that…….would he actually….rape her? A shiver of fear rolled over her. She left when she knew that he was gone and ran out of the place shaking.



Was it good? Is it what you expected to happen? What was your opinion of Dan before he turned asshole?



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