“No.” I frowned picking out clothes for Bella. “Its this scent she has for the kitchen.”

“What is a scent dad?” Bella asked as I handed her her pink leggings, black skirt and white and pink polka dotted shirt..

“Its a smell that is in the kitchen but not real. It just smells good.” I answered while giving Emma her light yellow dress with sparkles around the belt area and grey leggings. “Can you girls please get dressed because we are going out for breakfast with Miss Charlotte and Gracie.”

Em beamed hopping right out of bed. “Of course daddy, let’s go Bella, we can’t be late.”

“Okay I’ll be in the bathroom when you two are ready for your hair.” I said walking out as they both rushed to get dressed, Em a little faster than Bella.  Once I finished brushing my teeth Em came bouncing in. “Can you put my hair in a braid daddy?”

“Of course Em, sit on the toilet please.” After about 5 minutes I finished the braid tieing in a sparkly hair tie. Em smiled up at me going to brush her teeth while Bella sat on the toilet.

“How would you like your hair today Bella ?” I asked as she just handed me a comb.

“I want it down today dad.”

I nodded. “Okay sweetie.” Once their hair and teeth was brushed I grabbed my wallet and keys heading for the car. “Grab your jackets girls, it’s snowing.”

On the drive to the cafe Emma asked me “What are we doing after the Cafe daddy?”

“We are going to see a movie with Char and Gracie sweet heart.” I replied pulling into the parking lot of the cafe and stopping the engine. I waited for the girls, grabbing both of their hands and went inside. Looking around for a seat, only a couple were open, I spotted Char. She was with Gracie pointing to something on a menu. I tugged the girls hands leading them to Char. Once we were close enough Em ran to hug Char. Char smiled down at her while hugging her back, Em let go sitting beside Gracie. Bella let go of my hand and went to sit down but Char pulled her over gently giving her a hug. Bella’s posture stiffened before melting into Char’s hold. I smiled at Char before Bella sat next to Em. I slid in next to Char a pout on my face. “Where’s my hug?” I asked as she giggled patting my knee. I grabbed her hand squeezing it gently before grabbing a menu and looking at the options. “So.” I whispered while taking a sip of my coffee. “How has teaching been treating you?” I slightly nudged Char as she shrugged finished off her bite of a hash brown.

“Every year excites me you know? It’s sad all at the same time too though. I only get to meet and bond with these kids for 9 months, maybe 8 because of all the holidays.” I slid closer to her, watching as Gracie was showing Emma and Isabella the back of the coloring page.

“It sounds cool though. That at the end of the year you have all these kids looking up to you.”

“It is, it really is. When I was first teaching I didn’t expect to be such a role model, but now I am. It’s overwhelming sometimes, but its amazing. “

“I bet.”  I replied knocking my knee with hers.

“Daddy!” I heard making me look up from where her knee lay against mine.

“Yes Bella?” I asked seeing her stretching to reach a crayon. I breathed a laughed picking it up and giving it to her.

“Don’t forget to color in the lines now.” Char spoke out as Gracie rolled her eyes.

“Sis you don’t have to do that all the time you know.”

Char laughed softly, bringing such a joy to my heart, I knew it was clenching. We are so close, yet so far away.

“Would you like the check?”  The voice was formal and broke right into the happy drift that had set over the table. I looked up at our waiter and nodded. He walked away retrieving the check. I saw a twenty pop into my view and shook my head handing it back to Char. She looked up at me, since I was like 2 inches taller, and shook her head.

“Eli no-”

“It’s my treat Char.”

“Well, I am paying for the ticket-”


“for my movie and there is no debate about it.” I sighed nodding knowing she won’t budge on this.

“Okay.” I nodded picking up the check and putting the right amount on with a 5 dollar tip. I then gathered the girls as we walked to the car, I turned to look back at Char “I’ll meet you at the theatre okay?” She nodded smiling over at me as I smiled back helping the girls buckle in.

Once we got to the theatre the twins ran to Gracie. I shook my head meeting up with Char as we gather the loud set of girls. I bought three tickets to the Lego Movie and then I waited off of the line for Char while she bought two tickets to see the movie. Then we got a small bucket of popcorn and I got two drinks while she got one. Heading to the theatre with our goodies, I dropped a little bit of the popcorn and heard a angelic laugh. I smiled brightly at her as she gently took the small bucket. “You didn’t have to.”

“I think I did. Couldn’t have you spilling the good stuff now huh?’ I laughed shaking my head opening the door for the girls. once they were all by me, I walked in following them to the fifth row from the back and sitting in the row behind the girls with Char. “Deja Vu huh?”

“Why?” I asked setting the cup of water in between Em and Bella.

“Last time we were here we were watching Frozen.”

“Oh yea, well I guess it’s Deja Vu.” I replied bouncing a piece of popcorn off her forehead. She gasped throwing a couple at me. I chuckled popping one into my mouth.


“Hmm?” I mumble stopping my sip to look at her.

“What’s it like to be a lawyer?”

I shrugged. “It’s not bad, but there are some gruesome cases that make me wonder who people are. Like a couple months ago I had a  s e r i a l  k i l l e r.  He had 40 victims all in 2 weeks and wanted representation. Some people sicken me.” I shook my head looking at the preview of a movie the girls were gushing over. I then looked back at Char who was staring at me weirdly. “What?”

“How do you stand it?”

“Justice.” She just gave me a 'what' look. I laughed softly ready to explain it more. “We had a case earlier this year January I believe, and these two little girls had been physically beaten and when we put the guy behind the abuse in jail there was so much joy I felt. Of course the girls have to live with what they went through but knowing who did it will never come out of jail has to be a plus right?”

She just smiled softly at me shaking her head. “I thought cases were confidential?”

“They are but I’ve changed the words a little bit and never gave you names. But between you and me,” I said leaning closer dropping my voice to an even softer whisper, “I can give you the real case, its much more gruesome but reassuring that the guy has a death sentence.” I pulled back seeing her bite her lip.

“I don’t think I will ever want to know the crazy that goes on in some cases.” She smiled at me apologetically.

I breathed a chuckle. “Don’t worry, I won’t bug you with the many cases my firm gets.”

“Okay now shh, the movie is starting.” I smiled reaching for popcorn our hands doing the crazy ass romantic thing and touching. “Get out of here.” She smacked my hand away as I laughed, waiting for her to grab some so I could grab some. Halfway through the movie our knees were up against each other, the popcorn was over eaten and her hand was hitting my knee due to some funny line. Laughing along I grabbed her hand holding it softly and when she showed no resistance I held her hand in my, warming us both up.

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