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If you are uncomfortable with the topic of sexual abuse, stop reading when _ appears. Skip until you find ʕʔ and continue reading from there.

I'm finishing up my chores as I feel the house shake from the impact from the front door slamming closed. I close my eyes and sigh, preparing myself for what's to come.

"HEY LITTLE SHIT GET DOWN HERE!" I hear my father yell up the stairwell. At least come up with something original.

As I appear in front of him, he simply glares at me and I already know what he means. I kneel in front of him. He grabs me by the throat and makes me look at him.

"Taking your sweet time huh? Do you think I have all day to wait for your ungrateful lazy ass to come greet me?" He smirks and tightens his grip. Tears well up in my eyes as I claw at his hands. "Well.. I've got to say, you have got my looks and your mother's body. To bad I have to give this all away." He let's go and watches me fall before him.

I cough. "G-give aw-way?" I look up. He just smirks.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you will never forget us. I'm going to give you the highlight of a lifetime." He walks away sounding satisfied with himself.

Another beating..

But, what did he mean by 'give away'? Am I being sold as a sex slave or what? I push those horrible thoughts away and stand. I dust myself off and follow my father into the kitchen.

I cook for him, he complains, makes me do it again, he doesn't eat it the second time, so I eat it instead. My mom comes home and beats me for her satisfaction. Blablahblah, the same thing everyday.

After the day is finally over I head to my room to sleep. I get changed wearing only an oversized sweater and underwear.

An hour passes before I start into dreamland. I'm still in bed when I feel a presence behind me. Before I can turn around, I feel the bed dip. Somehow the covers are off of me and I feel a rough hand running up my thigh and hooking into my panties. I instantly get alarmed and sit up pulling away from the figure on my bed. Just that motion angered him and all I could see was the frustration in his eyes reflecting from the moonlight. I didn't have to think twice about who it was.

"F-father? What are you doing here?" I ask quietly.

He growls and pulls me by my legs toward him and pins me down on the bed. I scream until his hand slaps me over the mouth.

"Tonight.. it's daddy for you."

What? I'm completely clueless as to what he meant until he takes out handcuffs and attaches me to the bed post. My eyes widen in fear as I start to realize... This isn't a nightmare... it's real.

No no no! He can't do this! He has never went this far!


I knew I was about to be raped by my own father. Him flipping my sweater upwards so that my face was covered was one thing. My suspicions were comfirmed when I felt him rubbing something against my clothed womanhood.
I start crying out of pure fear.

"Please.. don't.. please! THIS ISNT FAIR!" I cry  not being able to see due to my sweater but I can feel everything.

I imagine he would've done something to alarm me even more but to my surprise and relief, the contact was lost. I sigh in relief but that brief period of relief soon ended before I heard metal clanking. He's taking off his belt! I start to struggle even more than before. Kicking my legs and screaming for help suddenly became useless. He rubs aggressively against my clothed womanhood as I whimper in pain. Suddenly he rips my panties and spreads my legs. I scream and kick, trying to move away from him but too my dismay, my strength is nothing compared to his. He holds my legs open and slaps me right between my legs with what felt like a ruler. I jolt out of shock immediately. I cry further as he starts to pull himself closer. I feel his hot breath on my chest.

For the next few minutes he sucks hickeys all over me, slowly working down to between my legs. Once he reaches where I am most sensitive, he abuses me. I screech and kick him away. I must've hit him since I hear him groan. After a few seconds of silence I suddenly feel something enter me. I scream as I feel my muscles being stretched and ripped apart. He slams into me at a merciless pace that hurt like someone stabbing me a thousand times. I scream and struggle as I cry. After a while I find myself too exhausted to fight further, letting the pain engulf me whole. I feel myself slowly drifting away.


I wake up in a dark room. I struggle to open my eyes since they are so puffy from all the crying. That's when I felt it. As I try to sit up I instantly cry out and fall back. I can't move. Suddenly I hear a door unlock and I slowly open my eyes to be met with a man in his mid 30s. He looks like a butler based on his appearance. He holds out clothing and puts them down next to me.

Before he leaves, he turns around to say "Be ready in 5 minutes, master is waiting for you."

I blink twice. Master? Butler..? Nice clothes? Wait... 5 minutes?! In this condition?! I carefully sit up and look around me to realize I'm not in my room but a jail cell looking room with a plain bed and a nightstand. I look down at myself to find myself still bare. I slowly sit on the side of the bed and bite my lip to ease my pain. Red catches my eye, dried blood stains in-between and down my legs. I cry a bit. I spot a small bucket and use that to wash off the stains before changing into the outfit left for me. I look myself in the mirror and smile. For the first time I'm wearing a dress. And a bonus is that it shows the curves I never knew I had! A knee length navy blue dress with a nice neck line.

After a pain filled 8 minutes, I slowly make my way out of the prison-like room. I close the door quietly and slowly shuffle my way to the stair case.

As I finally reach the top, my eyes widen in amazement.

Where am I?

Devoid || K.TH ✔️𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙Where stories live. Discover now