"How do I know you don't have people trailing her?" I asked him never taking my eyes of the trail she disappeared down.

"You will just have to trust my word." He muttered. I knew there was no guarantee that he will actually let Alison go, but what does he gain from keeping her?

I was yanked back from the window and then dragged back into my room and sat on my bed. I slide to the edge of the bed and pull my hair to one side of my neck and waited. He reached the bed in a few steps and sat down beside me. I look at the floor not wanting to let him see the pain in my eyes. He grabs my chin and forces me to make eye contact with him. He uses his other hand to lightly caress my cheek.

"Pet, I have waited so long for this. You aren't broken yet but you will be soon." He whispers. It wasn't a threat it was promise. If only he knew I really was broken. Landon had done the exact thing he promised not to do. I should have known better than to let myself fall in love with him.

He let go of my jaw and turned my body slightly he wrapped one hand in my hair tilting my head to show him more of my neck. The other arm he wrapped around my chest holding me in place. I felt his breath on my neck as he leaned closer to me. I felt a shiver go down my spine but I didn't bother to fight it there wasn't a point anymore. He had me exactly where he wanted me and he knew I knew it which I am sure he got great pleasure from.

"This will hurt quite a bit. If you prove to be obedient like you promise eventually I will use my ability to make you not feel the pain but for now..." he didn't finish as he bit into my neck.

I wasn't expecting it and I jumped causing him to bite down harder. It felt like my neck was on fire. I saw white dots in my vision and could hardly breathe. A scream worked its way out of my throat and echoed in the room over and over again. I tried to block out the never ending burning in my neck but it was of no use. I could feel my blood leaving me and it was draining me. My arms that were trying to pry his arms off of me were becoming heavy and fell to my lap. I was getting so tired my eyes were drooping and I felt no energy what so ever in my body. I have never felt this weak in my entire life. He finally pulled away after what felt like hours but was probably only a few short minutes. He didn't release me though I felt his tongue licking my neck and I wanted to vomit but I didn't have the energy.

He finally let go of me completely and I was wobbling on his lap. I still felt weak as he pushed me off his lap. I fell to the ground in a heap and winced when my neck was jarred. I raised a hand to my neck to wipe away the access blood but my hand came away clean. I felt the four holes but there was no blood on them either.

He saw my confusion and answered the questions that were in my mind. "When I licked my bite it healed the wound. There will still be evidence of the bite forever there will be a scar but it stops the bleeding and closes the wound." He explained as if I was a small child. I just nodded but found that was a mistake as the world began to start spinning.

"Get up" he ordered.

I tried to stand up gracefully but my body was shaking and I could barely hold myself up. I staggered back and grabbed the desk for support. I didn't look up at him instead I let my eyes fall on the floor.

"What happened why you were on your little adventure?" he asked

"Nothing" I said emotionlessly

"I don't believe that for a second." He snapped

"That's not my problem." I retorted

He sighed and then I was in the air. I expected to make contact with the wall or maybe the desk but instead I landed on the bed. I grunted on impact but he strode over and pulled the duvet out from under me causing me to yelp. He then covered me with it and caressed my cheek. This whole mood swings thing with him is going to drive me crazy.

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