When you eventually stepped outside again witch a bag in your hands the sun was up higher, shining over the stores and reaching the both of you. The sunlight shone on your face, warming you up a little in the way only the sun could. Hoseok on the other side was looking like a literal angel. His hair fell over the side of his sunglasses, being illuminated at the edges by the sunrays and his tanned skin was glowing.

You smiled up at him, feeling so lucky he was yours and you couldn't help but stand up on your toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek. His lips formed a smile and he winked, not visible due to his glasses but you knew he did it as his nose wrinkled a little.

"Where to now?" He asked. You grinned and dragged him along with you towards the next store, fingers intertwined again.


The day went by rather fast. You strolled around the shopping center, looking at everything through the windows and going inside to try on the things the dolls wore, hoping it would look as good on you as it did on them. Hoseok ensured you it did, and you had collected a good amount of bags already. You also went to a few stores for men to find something he'd like, choosing three completely new outfits for him.

"Oh!" You suddenly exclaimed, stopping abruptly. Hoseok turned and looked at you, one eyebrow raised. "I need underwear!"

A smirk appeared on his face and it was clear he was imagining something. You hit his chest and scowled. "Then let's get you some." He said and started dragging you to yet another store. It was a rather small store, the only thing the store held being the needed things but it was cozy and welcoming. There were a few people looking through the racks and a woman stood behind the counter, flipping lazily through a magazine.

Instead of letting your hand go so you could look through the clothes yourself he dragged you to a rack in the middle of the store, having his eyes set on a pair. He pushed some other things aside and showed you a black set. The bra had lace on the top side and the panties had lace on the top and bottom. It was like he knew this set would be here.

"How about these?" He asked, smirking down at you. You cocked your head to the side and considered it, trying to picture how it would look on you. You reached and out grabbed the set, feeling the soft fabric between your fingers. "It's nice." You said. "But not my colour."

He frowned. "Everything is your colour."

You chuckled and shook your head. "Black makes me look paler, like I'm sick or something. Besides I like red better." You shrugged and stepped away, looking through some other racks. There was a new collection, you didn't recognise any pairs from the last time you were here. Pushing aside some of the others, you picked out a red pair, fading over in a darker shade at the edges.

"What do you think of this?" You asked Hoseok as he came over to stand next to you. He nodded. "Hot." Was the only thing he said. You picked out your size and then walked to the cash register.

When you handed the lady the pair a smirk started playing on his lips and he opened his mouth to speak. "I can't wait to rip to these off with my teeth." He said a little too loud for your liking. The lady visably stiffened and awkwardly scanned the underwear while your eyes widened.

You knew he was smug sometimes but you didn't expect this from him at all. You weren't planning on being the embarrassed one though, so you quickly thought of an answer.

BTS Soft Sleep Imagines [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now