She could tell that because the way he kept averting his eyes and the way his body tensed when she asked him if something was bothering him. All this time, she thought that no one could hide their emotions better than the Sasuke Uchiha but now she thought that how easy it was to read him.

But that's what her mind was telling her. Her heart had another battle going on inside of it. It was telling her that her newly formed love for him was nothing but just mere illusion. It was like she was in a dream and just woke up to this harsh reality. She was stupid enough to think that everything will be alright if she get to see him and spend some time like normal... Friends? Companions? Acquaintances? She didn't even know what they were.

She let out a shaky breathe, her heart still feeling heavy with sadness and heartbreak. She just wanted to cry. She did said that she won't cry but she couldnt seem to hold her tears back anymore, as if they were begging to get free of their chains and run down her cheeks. But she held her tears back until she reached the compound and up to her room. She then cried herself to sleep.

It was about after two hours when someone sofly knocked on her door, stirring her from her sleep. She groaned, her cheeks were slightly sticking with dried tears and she was sure that her eyes would be red and puffy.

"Y-yes..." her voice came out hoarse and shaky. But then she cleared her throat when another knock sounded, indicating that whoever was knocking didn't hear her.

"Who is it?" she asked softly as she started to get up from her bed. A maid answered.

"Lady Hinata, your friend Miss Haruno is here. Should I send her in?" the maid spoke in a respectful and polite tone.

"Yes." With that the maid left to get Sakura and Hinata got up and went to the bathroom to splash aome water on her face. She looked herself in the mirror. She was right, her eyes were all puffy and red. She sighed then washed her faced. Just then the door opened and Sakura called out.


"Coming," she called out and wiped her face with towel while she entered her room, she gave Sakura a soft smile that didn't quite reached her eyes. Sakura sat on the bed, and she patted the space beside her on the bed, gesturing for Hinata to sit.

Hinata shook her head at her friend, she always acting like she owned the place, like it was her room not Hinata's. She and Sakura had become really good friends over the past few years and Hinata was glad to have her as her friend. She sat next to her pink haired friend who was looking at Hinata with worried eyes.

Hinata seemed to notice it and smiled a reassuring smile at her but that didn't assure Sakura. Sakura then rested her hand on Hinata's knees and said, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... I am fine, Sakura-chan." She smiled but Sakura coukd see that it was fake. She gave her friend a look which said that she knows what's wrong.

"Tell me Hinata, did Sasuke said anything when you went to see him?" Sakura asked, her eyes held concern and worry for her friend.

Hinata kept quiet for a moment, not wanting to even remember that whole encounter. Her heart began to ache at the thought of him. She shook her head no but Sakura nudged her to tell more.

She told Sakura everything, about what happened this morning, about her feelings and how she slowly but gradually fell in love with the most feared ninja in the world. She felt herself at the verge of crying again but took deep breaths to hold them back but then Sakura squeezed her hand and said in a soft voice.

"It's okay to cry, Hinata," At that, Hinata couldn't control herself anymore, her whole body shuddered as she sobbed in Sakura's embrace.

"I-I...I don't know w-what... what to do," she said as she tried to calm herself down. She then continued as another sob broke from her lips.

"I... I have never f-felt this w-way, I have n-never felt so complete w-when... when I'm around him, I-I c-can't lose him, I don't w-want to lose him. H-he needs me and I-I... need him." She finished as she wipped her tears with the back of her hand and sniffed.

"Then go tell him that," Sakura said as she stroked Hinata's back in a comforting gesture. Hinata's eyes snapped up to meet her friend's and looked at her as if she had grown two heads all of a sudden. She shook her head, unable to form any words.

"What?" Sakura asked when she noticed the look Hinata was giving her. Hinata again shook her and said sadly, her eyes down casted in sadness, "I can't. He doesn't feel the same."

At that Sakura scoffed and said, "You have no idea, do you? How could you not notice it. His sudden change in behaviour has shocked everyone around him."

"What do you mean?" Hinata asked, a little confused at what she meant by that.

"I mean he was always a cold jerk to everyone around him but he doesn't have that emptyness in his eyes and his eyes aren't so cold anymore. Even his tone is slightly different from his usual cold one."

Sakura finished and looked at her to see her reaction. Hinata's eyes were wide as the realization hit her, she was right, Sasuke really had changed and how could she forget those small but genuine smile that he gave her. But then she remembered his behaviour this morning and shool her head.

"I doubt it..." she said, her voice full of sadness, "He was really cold to me and really didn't want me to be there with him."

Sakura rested her hand on her shoulder and said, "Hinata, look here."

Hinata met her eyes and Sakura continued, "I have known him practically my whole life but alot has changed in him. But the only thing that didn't change is his heart. His heart is broken, it has been that way since he lost his family, his brother. He is afraid to let someone in. He is afraid that the person he lets in his heart will eventually leave him just like the rest of them. And his heart can't afford it."

Sakura's tone was sad and her eyes fulo of sorrow, "I tried, you know. To mend his heart. But... But I realized that I don't have the power to do it. I don't have that light to brighten uo his dark life and his cold heart. But you do." She squeezed Hinata's hands to make her realized that she means a lot to Sasuke.

"And Sasuke... He loves you too. But he is afraid that he will taint you with his darkness that's why he is pushing you away. You have to tell him how you feel and make him realize that you need him as much as he needs you, before it's too late."

"What do you mean?" Hinata said as she heared Sakura saying those last four words.

"He is leaving village in a few hours."

Hinata's eyes widened at that and she dropped Sakura's hands as she went completely still. Sakura noticed this and instantly felt worried fir friend who wasnt seem to be breathing. She shook her hard to bring her back to wherever her mind drifted off to.

Hinata blinked and finally breathed. She then abruptly stood up and headed towards the door without saying a word to Sakura who sat there on the bed looking after her friend's back which soon disappered round the corner.


Hey guys! So here's the new chapter and hope you liked it and sorry for dragging it too long. 😅😅

Sorry for updating so late, as usual I was busy with my studies and my internet is still broken so my life is now becoming a black'n white movie 😤😤

And to top it all, I have exams coming up this month to make my life hell again 💀💀

Anyways, I hope you like the above chapter and let me know your thoughts about it. So take care and stay healthy 💙💙

Oh and please wish me luck for my exams! Have a good day! ❤❤


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