"What To Do Next and Brawling"

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"Drink up me hearties yo ho!" squawked Cotton's parrot as we clambered up to the deck. We all laughed at it yet again.

"Lily!" shouted Oliver from the other side of the deck. He was stood with Sam. I walked over to them.

"Hi" I said

"Hello Lily, pleasure to meet you again" said Sam, giving me a false bow.

"Same to you, Sam" I replied, I put one foot behind the other and dipped, giving him my best false smile.

"Miss Sparrow, I meant to tell you when we first met, but now will do…"

"Oh and what's that?"

"You seem to have misplaced your corset" he answered, he looked at my corset pointedly.

"Aww, leave it be Sam, I like it" said Oliver before I could reply.

"Thanks Oliver, it's good that you like it, because even if you didn't, I wouldn't go changing the way I dress, this is how I'm recognised and feared throughout the Caribbean"

"Yeah, that and the fact that you're the daughter of Captain Jack Sparrow" pointed out Sam. I swear if he wasn't Oliver's friend, he wouldn't be standing right now.

"Shut up Cooper" I warned, I turned to walk away, but Oliver grabbed my wrist.

"Lily, he was only joking" he said

"Don't you think I know that? I don't like being the centre of jokes Oliver; you might want to remember that for the future" I said.

I glared at him and he let me go, I strode over to the Pearl's crew. Right now I didn't want to be with Oliver's crew.

"Everything alright?" asked Elizabeth, she looked behind me to look at Oliver and Sam, who had now joined the rest of Oliver's crew, Oliver was probably catching up on everything with them, he was their captain after all.

"Great" I replied. I picked up a bottle of rum and had drunk it all in a few seconds, I picked up another bottle.

"Aiming to get drunk tonight Lily?" asked Bill, he raised his bottle to me.

"You betcha" I replied as I raised my bottle.

"I'll join you" said Dad, he sat down next to me and from the smell of him, I'd say he had already had around five bottles, but it would take more than that to get my father drunk.

"To getting drunk!" said Anamaria and we all raised our bottles.


Not long later Oliver, his crew, and the Pearl's crew were all drunk and we were all singing.


"I love this song!" I giggled.

"So do I!" replied Bill, Dad, Elizabeth, Will, Anamaria, Marty, Gibbs, Richard and Ben all together, Cotton just nodded and grinned at us. We were very drunk.


"Really bad eggs!" shouted Dad

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