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We dragged Lily, along with the rest of the injured crew members, back to the Pearl. I put Lily in the same cabin that she had put Oliver and Elizabeth in. Will was by Elizabeth's side all of the next day and only moved to eat. I was naturally by Lily's side, but I was the Captain and I couldn't be with her all day, I had to tend to my ship.

We sailed with the Star Maker and the two crews had become quite friendly. We were on our way to Tortuga. The pirate haven. If any of the crew, Lily, Oliver, or Elizabeth didn't wake up by then, then at least the doctors in Tortuga won't mind nursing pirates.

The crew had made a full recovery, including the injured ones so we were back on top of things and were just waiting for the rest of the injured to wake up.

We had tended to Elizabeth's head and Oliver's bullet wound, but Lily was different, as usual. She had become unconscious because she nearly drowned, we couldn't do anything for that so we just had to wait for her to wake up.

"JACK!" I heard my name being called from somewhere on the ship. I have the helm to Gibbs and followed the voice. I ended up at the cabin where Lily and the rest of them were.

My heart was pounding as I walked through the door. Something could have happened to Lily, she could be awake, or she could have gone for good. Hoping that the latter wouldn't be so, I found the owner of the voice. It was Will.

He was holding Elizabeth's hand and grinning, I looked at Elizabeth's face and my eyes were met with blinking awake brown eyes. Elizabeth was awake!

"Look" said Will, as I walked towards them.

"She's awake" I said, as if confirming his wish.

"I know isn't it great?" Will said. I looked down at Elizabeth; she smiled up at me weakly as she had only just woken up.

"Hi…Jack" she managed to get out.

"Hi Elizabeth, feeling ok?" I asked her. She nodded in reply and then went to sleep. Will looked at me worriedly.

"she'll be fine Will, she's only just woken up from being hit round the head with a sword, she's bound to be very tired, give her a few more days and she'll be as good as new" I told him.

I looked at Oliver; he was still unconscious, as was Lily.

"Give them time Jack, they'll come round soon enough" said Will, I wondered how he knew what I was thinking.

"Yeah" I mumbled before walking out of the cabin and back to the helm. When I got there, Anamaria and Gibbs were talking.

"Jack?" asked Gibbs, he let go of the helm so I could take over.

"What's the news so far?" asked Anamaria. She had been just as anxious as me about all this so far.

"Elizabeth's woken up" I replied. I watched as Anamaria and Gibbs both grinned at each other.

"And the other two?" asked Gibbs

"Same" I replied half-heartedly. Their faces dropped again.

"They'll come round" said Gibbs, as if he was trying to tell himself that and not me.

"Yeah" agreed Anamaria, she nodded her head repeatedly.

"Sure" I mumbled and they walked away, they were probably going to see Will and Elizabeth.

I closed my eyes for a second, imagining Lily arguing with me once again about how I didn't trust her to go off into Tortuga on her own even though she knew how to handle herself and men who would try it on with her. It was true, but I knew I should trust her more, she was more or less, grown up now, and I had to admit she does look beautiful, but the problem was that men in Tortuga would notice that as well.

And then there's the corset thing. I don't know why she does that, usually corsets go under shirts. But Lily wasn't having any of it when she discovered that she thought she looked decent wearing it like that. Such a stubborn girl. I haven't a clue where she gets it from, wink, wink.

Lily POV

Darkness. It felt like all I knew was darkness. I felt a sudden jolt arise in my body and I sat up, gasping for breath. This new light was blinding to me. Unless… unless I was dead, unless I was heaven, I've heard all about the white light people see when they die, yes that was it, I was dead.

I looked around and heard a voice.

"Lily?" the voice said. It sounded familiar. I looked around and saw Will, he was by Elizabeth and she was in a bed.


"Oh thank God, Lily!" he stood up and embraced me.

"Am I dead Will?" I asked timidly.

"No, no you're not dead, thank heavens you're not dead!"

"But why is it so bright in here?" I felt stupid for asking this question.

"Well it's the middle of the day, and we're in the middle of the ocean, all the curtains and doors are open so that's probably why" answered Will.

"Oh" then I remembered everything that went on in the cave. Oliver.

"Oliver?" I asked to thin air, hoping I might get a reply.

"He's umm…he's still unconscious, but we got the bullet out and covered the wound so we are just waiting for him to wake up" said Will.

"Can I see him?"

"He's right there" Will pointed to where Oliver was laying on a bed; he had a bandage on his arm. I got up and started to walk. I felt dizzy but shook it off and sat on the chair next to Oliver's bed. I took his hand and stroked it gently, as if coaxing him to wake up.

"I'll go get Jack" muttered Will as he walked out of the cabin.

In less than a minute Dad came running in and bounding towards me.

"DAD!" I shouted, I felt like I hadn't seen him in a year.

"LILY!" he replied, he hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. When he let go he started to speak.

"Don't you ever do that to me again luv, you hear me!"

"I hear you Da'"




I could have carried on all day arguing with Dad but I noticed my corset had been taken off and I only had a shirt on my top half. I went to get another one and Dad had obviously noticed because he shouted after me.

"I don't know why you bother with those corsets Lily!"

I ignored him and went to my cabin. I picked out a blue corset and put it on. Then I went straight back to Oliver in the other cabin. I took up 'my' seat and took his hand in mine. I was mumbling to Oliver, begging him to wake up, so Dad and Will couldn't hear, but just loud enough so the sound of my voice travelled into Oliver's ear.

I had only been up a few minutes, but those few minutes were enough to feel like my heart was being slowly wrenched out, and the only cure was for Oliver to open his gorgeous eyes and let me hear him say that he loves me once again.

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