"The Great Escape"

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"Let's get this party started" said Oliver, he was excited about this adventure since I had told him what we were going to do.

The guard went and sat on a chair in the corner; he pulled his hat down to his eyes and started humming a tune. I turned and smirked at Oliver.

"You don't half look like your Father when you do that" he said to me, I grinned even more. I looked back at the guard.

"Hey" I said seductively as Oliver went to take his position on the floor, he was pretending to be asleep.

The guard lifted his hat above his eyes. "Hey yourself" he replied, looking me up and down. I moved towards the cell door.

"I bet you haven't had any pleasurable company in a while?" I asked, I tilted my head to the side and winked at him. He was falling for it!

"No luv, haven't stepped foot on land for near two months, gets rather lonely" replied the guard, he stood up and walked towards the cell.

"Why don't I show you a good time?" I asked, I fiddled with the laces on my corset.

"Why don't I help you with those?" asked the guard seductively. 'In your dreams' I thought.

"Would you?" I asked, putting on my most innocent voice.

"With pleasure" he said as he put his hands through the bars. "Does your father know you're quite the little strumpet?" asked the guard. 'Of course he does' I replied to him in my head. 'He uses me as a distraction all the time'

"I don't think he does" I lied. the guard seemed to like that idea he said;

"oh dear, Daddy's little girl's not quite so little after all is she?" I put my hands through the bars and caressed his face.

"not at all" I whispered. Oliver shuffled behind us, if he's laughing after what i'm going through, I'll have his head.

"Who's the guy?" asked the guard, he looked at Oliver, who was lying with his back to us; I could tell he was grinning.

"Oh no one special, you on the other hand, could be…" I trailed off, I leant in to kiss his cheek, the guard leant closer and I brought my hand up to his head and bashed it into the cell, he crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

"And that is why, you do not mess with me, unless I want to be messed with" I said smugly.

"All done?" asked Oliver, he had a huge grin on his face; he stood up and I walked over to him and kissed him.

"Now I am" I replied. I walked back over to the door and unhooked the cell keys from the guard's belt.

"Gotcha" I whispered in triumph.

"Let's get out of here" said Oliver as I unlocked the door.

We ran up the stairs to find that all of the crew were listening to Barbossa and the Pearl was right behind us. I spotted Bill standing on his own.

"Bill" Oliver whispered, Bill turned around and saw us, a grin spread on his face. I ran to the side of the ship and could hear Bill and Oliver's footsteps behind me. As I jumped onto the rail of the ship I couldn't resist a witty comment. I stood on the rail and turned to face Barbossa, thankfully they hadn't noticed us…yet.

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