"Let's Get this Party Started"

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Anamaria went up to the helm to 'talk' to Jack. He looked tired and agitated.



"Can I talk to you?"

"Hmm" replied Jack and Anamaria grabbed the sleeve of his coat.

"Ana what are you..."

"Look Jack, a ship in the distance!" cried Anamaria. Jack looked at the ship infront of them. 'So far so good' she thought to herself as she looked round for Richard and Will, she looked at Jack who was staring at the other ship, then she looked at Will and Richard and motioned for them to come.

Jack noticed Will and Richard come over with mischievous looks on their faces.

"Hey guys, wha...what are you..." began Jack but before he could finish Will grabbed Jack's arms tightly.

"Will?" he asked worriedly.

"Richard?" he asked his other crew member as he grabbed his legs. They picked him up

"Put me down!" shouted Jack, he noticed Anamaria and Elizabeth laughing in the background, along with the rest of his crew.

"What are you doing!" he shouted. Before he knew it Richard and Will thrust him over the side of the ship and let him drop.


Jack entered the water with a great big splash, when his head became visible again the crew began to laugh.

"We did it!" shouted Elizabeth. They all ran to the side of the ship.

"Help me up!" shouted Jack.

"No I don't think we will" Will answered

"You better let me back on my bloody ship or else!"

"Or else what!" called Richard

Jack didn't reply.

The crew and Jack were in complete silence for the next ten minutes.

"Will you throw me a rope down now!" called Jack. He glared at his crew.

Will looked at Anamaria questioningly.

"NO!" she said, she had been enjoying teasing Jack.

"ANAMARIA!" shouted Jack

"You called!"

"Throw me a rope! I promise I won't make you all work harder to keep up with Lily!" said Jack hurriedly, guessing what this was about.

"Ana" said Elizabeth "you'd better let him up, we got what we wanted"

"Who said I was in charge?" replied Anamaria

"You did since you planned it" replied Will.

"Fine!" said Anamaria throwing her hands up in defeat "throw him a rope"

I'm Lily Sparrow, savvy?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن