"Sam Cooper and The Star Maker"

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"Lily, I'll watch over her and the Pearl, you should go and help the others" Ben said from the doorway. I gave Elizabeth a quick squeeze on her hand and walked back out on deck.

Before I got back into the rowboat I noticed that the 'merchant' ship I had seen earlier was getting closer. I could see crew members running around doing their jobs. I couldn't make out the name of the ship, only the yellow 'The'

I jumped into the rowboat and rowed back into the cave. Only the sounds of swords clashing could be heard and the occasional yell.

I picked out Barbossa who was still sat on the chest and then I noticed Dad, Will, Bill, Anamaria, Gibbs, Marty, Cotton and Richard all fighting back to back in a circle, they were surrounded by Barbossa's crew, well, whatever was left of them, we could get through them in no time. As if to prove my point, about five of Barbossa's crew collapsed and died.

I rushed over, stabbing whoever got in my way, as I got closer I realised that Pintel and Ragetti were also being surrounded, they were on our side! I grinned to myself and joined them in the circle.

"Where's Elizabeth?" asked Will worriedly, he had sweat dripping off his face and his brows were furrowed.

"She was hurt, I took her back to the Pearl" I replied.

"Is the Pearl ok?" asked Dad from behind me, at the mention of his beloved ship.

"she's fine, Da' Ben's taking care of her"

"Good" said Dad as he happily pushed his sword into another pirate.

"Oliver!" I shouted over the noise, I had just realised that he wasn't with us. I heard Barbossa laughing from on his perch, I turned to tell him to shut up when I realised what he was laughing at. Oliver. My Oliver.

He had his sword pointed at Barbossa's throat.

Without thinking I instantly ran away from the gathering in the middle of the cave and up to Oliver. Just as I got to him Barbossa pulled out a pistol from his dirty black coat.

"Oliver look out!" I yelled as I slipped on a coin.

The next thing I knew, a loud bang rang through the air and I heard something crumple above me, I looked up and saw Oliver tumbling down the treasure and into the water below.

I didn't think twice about diving into the water and I took no notice of my sore shoulder and grabbed Oliver by his coat.

I swam to the entrance of the cave. I climbed onto the cave floor and pulled Oliver up.

I stopped for a moment to check for the bullet wound. Thankfully the bullet had only hit his arm, but he was loosing blood rapidly, and his head was also bleeding from the fall.

I heard a noise from behind me and I turned around to see a completely different crew in front of me.

"What's happened to him?" asked the one in the lead

"What's it to you?" I snapped, the last thing I needed was more people trying to kill me, I needed Oliver to get back onto the Pearl.

"Well it would do since Oliver's our captain" said the man, to my surprise he started to laugh.

"You're…your captain? You mean you're…your all from…from The…The Star Maker?" I stuttered

"That's right missy, so if you could hand us our captain we'll be on our way"


"Why not?"

"He's injured, he needs to get onto my ship, he can't go with you yet" I said, tears streaming down my face. I was loosing Oliver to this crew and to death all in one.

I couldn't let that happen. I ignored the gasped of the other crew as I stood up, hauled Oliver to his feet, supported him first, then much to the crew's surprise, I lifted him onto my shoulder and carried him out of the cave.

I didn't stop to look back until we were safely on the Pearl.

I made sure Oliver was bandaged up, and put him in the cabin currently containing Elizabeth and told Ben to look after him.

I rushed back to Oliver's 'crew'

"Ahh there you are, now what's your name?" asked who I believed was Oliver's first mate.

"Sparrow, Lily Sparrow" I said

"Oh yeah!" he cried. "Apologies Miss Sparrow, I should have known, by your corset, fitting colour by the sounds of it, red, for blood, it is a fight that's going on in there?"

"Yes it is, what's your name?" I asked, pointedly looking into his eyes.

"Sam, Sam Cooper" replied 'Sam'

"And you're the first mate on the Star Maker?"

"Got it in one"

"well I wish I could say that it's a pleasure to meet you, but my friends and father are currently in a 'till death' battle and your trying to take my Oliver away from me" I stated rather coldly.

"Your Oliver?" chuckled Sam

"Yes, we're together, have been for a while now"

"Well he has been busy hasn't he lad's?" said Sam, turning to his crew. They chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Shut up" I spat.

"I want you to help us, we're winning already but there's just one obstacle, I have a plan and I need you to follow it" I explained.

Well here goes nothing.

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