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Bastard. All I could think about when woke up over the next few days was Barbossa and what he nearly did to me. Bastard! I will get revenge one way or another. Bill and Barbossa had seemed to be keeping their distances from us and we had no idea what was going on anymore. Night after night I had led on Oliver's lap to go to sleep; he made me feel so safe. We had been in this cell for around a week, in that week I had realised that I love Oliver.

I was about to get up when I heard footsteps. I hurried towards the cell door and for the first time in about five days I came face to face with Barbossa. He had a smug look on his face which I didn't like.

"What do you want?" I asked. I was hoping that it would have been Bill coming down the stairs.

"Oh Miss Sparrow, your not still angry about the other night are you? I thought you would have cooled off by now" replied Barbossa; the tone in his voice told me he was mocking me.

"ANGRY! Do you want me to show you bloody angry Barbossa?" I screamed, how dare he! Angry indeed, if I was anything I was bloody livid with him. I tried to grab his shirt collar to pull him close enough to punch him, but unfortunately he stepped back.

"Coward" I spat. Barbossa just laughed

"Ah, Mr Watson, up I see" said Barbossa, sure enough Oliver had woken up and had joined me at the door, and he put an arm protectively around my waist. Barbossa looked at us with disgust.

"Bastard" muttered Oliver, I couldn't help but smile and then I remembered Barbossa.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"What?" replied Barbossa, turning his attention to me.

"Why have you come down here?"

"Can a captain not come and pay a visit to his captives?" he replied all too smartly.

"Listen Barbossa" Oliver said, "we have been in this cell for a week, with only just enough food and water to survive, only the company of each other and we have no idea what's going on anymore, so I suggest you leave if you're just going to mock us" he finished, his voice had turned cold.

"Only the company of each other eh? Is that not good enough Mr Watson? Very well, you'll have a guard to talk to in a bit; I came to tell you that we'll be at the Isle De Muerta soon, in about a day or so, not long left until you both die, maybe that might teach you about attacking my ship all those months ago eh Oliver?" replied Barbossa, I had a feeling that he was trying to stop himself laughing. But he had called Oliver, well, Oliver.

"Go to hell" said Oliver before turning around and sitting back on the floor. He almost reminded me of Father, stubborn. Dad. What was he doing? Was he coming for us? A wave of curiosity came over me and I had to ask.

"Any sign of the Pearl?"

"Your on it luv" said Barbossa.

"No I'm not, this is just a pathetic excuse for a copy of the Black Pearl, and I'll ask you again, has there been any sign of the real Black Pearl"

"No, no your precious father and his friends are nowhere to be seen, looks like they've abandoned you two" sneered Barbossa.

"NEVER!" I yelled, how dare he say that! Dad would come us, or his name isn't Captain Jack Sparrow... But what if he wasn't, he could be injured, dead even…

"Now, now" mocked Barbossa, Oliver stood back up.

"Just go away Barbossa, haven't you tormented Lily enough!" he shouted.

"I guess so" replied Barbossa smugly, a grin on his face. He looked me up and down and I could see lust (of all things) in his eyes.

"Just go away Barbossa, I want you to inform us when the Pearl is in view and when we get to the Isle De Muerta, do you understand me!" I yelled, I was sick of his mind games, his torture, his tormenting, I couldn't stand it much longer.

"Perfectly" replied Barbossa before heading back up the stairs. I found myself gasping for breath, my chest felt tight and I could feel i was growing very warm.

"Are you ok? Lily!" asked Oliver, his face had paled.

"What if he doesn't come?" I cried

"What if he doesn't want to come for me?" I whispered this time, unable to breathe, I don't know where this came from, I wanted it to stop and I reassured myself that Dad would come, even Oliver told me he would come, but yet he wasn't here, all of a sudden I felt my legs collapse underneath me and the last thing I saw was Oliver trying to help me when darkness came over me.


On the Pearl

"Damn it Gibbs! I don't care what Cotton's blasted parrot is bloody saying about you! I just want to hear that Lily is safe, is that too much to ask Gibbs!" yelled Jack, these past few days had been terrible, he had felt lost without Lily by his side, he had been having nightmares about what danger she was in, if she was still alive, if she was at the Isle De Muerta already.

"Course not Cap'n" replied Gibbs before running back to Will and Elizabeth.

"He's not himself" said Gibbs, Elizabeth and Will nodded.

"We need to find Lily before Jack goes mad" said Will, Elizabeth scoffed.

"He's not mad Elizabeth, he's just Jack Sparrow, and he's always been just a little bit eccentric, in his own ways" replied Will haughtily.

"Will!" shouted Jack from the helm, Will scurried over.


"How long have we been on our way to Isle De Muerta?"

"About a week"

"We should be there tomorrow, start practising with your sword, train Elizabeth up even more, I'll join you soon"

"But Jack…"

"NO BLOODY BUTS WILL, MOVE IT!" Jack shouted, Will went back to Gibbs and Elizabeth hurriedly.

"I will find you Barbossa and when I find you your as good as dead, especially if you've hurt my daughter" said Jack to himself out loud, as if he thought Barbossa could hear him.

It wasn't long before Jack had the whole crew practising with their swords.

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