"Oliver Watson"

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The next morning I woke up, got back into my dress and went downstairs into the kitchen for some breakfast.

Ellen, the cook, soon had my breakfast on the table and I ate while wondering what to do today. First I needed to go and put my 'normal clothes' on, so that would mean a visit to the Pearl, then I'll have to see what comes my way after that. Dad will be hear all day, probably talking to Elizabeth or what ever and Will should be busy at work. I put my plate in the sink and went to find Dad or either one of Elizabeth and Will.

I went into the parlour first, finding all three of the people I wanted.

"I'm going to go back to the Pearl, I have to get out of this dress" I said, more to Dad.

"Right, make sure the crew are ok and stay away from the fort and Norrington, I don't want to hear that you've been arrested and are due to hang in the morning" said Dad and he turned to face me.

"Yes I know ok" I made my way to the door.

"do you want me to come with you?" asked Elizabeth.

"No, I'll be fine, I'll catch up with you later Lizzy" I said as Elizabeth smiled back at me.

"Will, I might even drop by at the smithy if I'm passing; you are working today aren't you?" I said to Will.

"Yeah course I am, got to earn a living some way or another" he said, flashing a grin at Elizabeth.

"Will I told you, you don't need to work, my father left us with enough money to get by with and you've earned enough over the years by selling your swords, you don't even have to work now" said Elizabeth.

"Yes but I love working in the smithy, it's just what I do" said Will. "I'll be in the smithy all day if you decide to come by Lily" he added.

I walked out of the front door and down the stone path; I greeted James as I walked by and made my way to the docks.

Port Royal was unusually busy today. I walked through the streets and through the market place, listening to the traders shouting what they were selling; I wonder if they had sore throats by the end of the day.

I walked past the fort and looked up at it. I saw the marines walking back and forth along the wall. I stopped when I heard Dad's name. I looked towards the sound of the voices speaking and saw two of the red coats sitting on the steps talking. I listened carefully to what they were saying.

"Remember that time when Jack Sparrow came to commandeer one of the ships?" said one of them

"oh yeah, and he told us about the Black Pearl, I still can't believe it's a real ship, I thought it was just a myth" replied the other.

"I told you I'd seen it, a ship with black sails, crewed by the damned and all that, of course, it won't be now that Sparrow has his ship back, the commodore weren't too pleased about that"

"no he wasn't, he was in a mood for weeks after that fiasco with Elizabeth Turner"

"oh yeah, she was Elizabeth Swann then wasn't she?"

"yeah, I hear Norrington still fancies her, wants her back but she married that blacksmith"

I suddenly saw a man in a blue coat and he looked very proper. It was Commodore Norrington. I started to run so that the commodore wouldn't recognise me and arrest me, I do look very much like my father. I'll have to tell Elizabeth about Norrington and the rumors spreading about the commodore, I wonder if she already knows.

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